Administration Guide

Federated Database Object Names

Federated database objects include:

Limits apply when naming federated database objects. A complete list of object names and associated identifier limits and requirements is located in the SQL Reference. In summary, object names:

Keywords can be used. If the keyword is used in a context where it could also be interpreted as an SQL keyword, it must be specified as a delimited identifier. Refer to the SQL Reference for information on delimited identifiers.

For maximum portability, use the IBM SQL and ISO/ANSI SQL92 reserved words. For a list of these words, refer to the SQL Reference.

Options (server, nickname) and option settings are limited to 255 bytes.

How Case-Sensitive Values Are Preserved in a Federated System

With distributed requests, you sometimes need to specify identifiers and passwords that are case-sensitive at the data source. To ensure that the case is correct when they are passed to the data source, follow these guidelines:

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