Administration Guide

Creating a User-Defined Type (UDT)

A user-defined type (UDT) is a named data type that is created in the database by the user. A UDT can be a distinct type which shares a common representation with a built-in data type or a structured type which has a sequence of named attributes that each have a type. A structured type can be a subtype of another structured type (called a supertype), defining a type hierarchy.

UDTs support strong typing, which means that even though they share the same representation as other types, values of a given UDT are considered to be compatible only with values of the same UDT or UDTs in the same type hierarchy.

The SYSCAT.DATATYPES catalog view allows you to see the UDTs that have been defined for your database. This catalog view also shows you the data types defined by the database manager when the database was created. For a complete list of all data types, refer to the SQL Reference.

A UDT cannot be used as an argument for most of the system-provided, or built-in, functions. User-defined functions must be provided to enable these and other operations.

You can drop a UDT only if:

When a UDT is dropped, any functions that are dependent on it are also dropped.

Creating a User-Defined Distinct Type

A user-defined distinct type is a data type derived from an existing type, such as an integer, decimal, or character type. You can create a distinct type by using the CREATE DISTINCT TYPE statement.

The following SQL statement creates the distinct type t_educ as a smallint:


Instances of the same distinct type can be compared to each other, if the WITH COMPARISONS clause is specified on the CREATE DISTINCT TYPE statement (as in the example). The WITH COMPARISONS clause cannot be specified if the source data type is a large object, a DATALINK, LONG VARCHAR, or LONG VARGRAPHIC type.

Instances of distinct types cannot be used as arguments of functions or operands of operations that were defined on the source type. Similarly, the source type cannot be used in arguments or operands that were defined to use a distinct type.

After you have created a distinct type, you can use it to define columns in a CREATE TABLE statement:

      (EMPNO      CHAR(6)      NOT NULL,
       WORKDEPT   CHAR(3),
       PHONENO    CHAR(4),
       PHOTO      BLOB(10M)    NOT NULL,
       EDLEVEL    T_EDUC)

Creating the distinct type also generates support to cast between the distinct type and the source type. Hence, a value of type T_EDUC can be cast to a SMALLINT value and the SMALLINT value can be cast to a T_EDUC value.

Refer to the SQL Reference for complete syntax information on the CREATE DISTINCT TYPE statement. Refer to the Application Development Guide for information about creating and using a distinct type.

You can transform UDTs into base data types, and base data types into UDTs, using transformations. Creation of a transform function is through a CREATE TRANSFORM statement.

Support for transforms is also found through the CREATE METHOD statement and extensions to the CREATE FUNCTION statement. Refer to the SQL Reference for details on this support.

Creating a User-Defined Structured Type

A structured type is a user-defined type that contains one or more attributes, each of which has a name and a data type of its own. A structured type can serve as the type of a table, in which each column of the table derives its name and data type from one of the attributes of the structured type. Refer to the Application Development Guide for all the information you need on structured types.

Creating a Type Mapping

In a federated system, a type mapping lets you map specific data types in data source tables and views to DB2 distinct data types. A type mapping can apply to one data source or a range (type, version) of data sources.

Default data type mappings are provided for built-in data source types and built-in DB2 types. New data type mappings (that you create) will be listed in the SYSCAT.TYPEMAPPINGS view.

You create type mappings with the CREATE TYPE MAPPING statement. You must hold one of the SYSADM or DBADM authorities at the federated database to use this statement.

An example of a type mapping statement is:


You cannot create a type mapping for a LOB, LONG VARCHAR/VARGRAPHIC, DATALINK, structured or distinct type.

For details on using and creating type mappings, refer to the Application Development Guide. Refer to the SQL Reference for details on CREATE TYPE MAPPING syntax.

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