Administration Guide

Additional Space Requirements

Additional space is also required for:

Log File Space

The amount of space (in bytes) required for log files can range from:

   ( logprimary * (logfilsiz + 2 ) * 4096 ) + 8192


   ( (logprimary + logsecond) * (logfilsiz + 2 ) * 4096 ) + 8192


Refer to the Administration Guide: Performance for more information about these configuration parameters.
Note:The total active log space cannot exceed 32 GB.

The upper limit of log file space is dependent on the actual number of secondary log files that the database manager requires at run time. This upper limit may never be required, or may be needed only during occasional periods of high volume activity.

If the database is enabled for roll-forward recovery, special log space requirements should be taken into consideration:

Temporary Work Space

Some SQL statements require temporary tables for processing (such as a work file for sorting operations that cannot be done in memory). These temporary tables require disk space; the amount of space required is dependent upon the queries, and the size of returned tables, and cannot be estimated.

You can use the database system monitor and the query table space APIs to track the amount of work space being used during the normal course of operations.

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