Administration Guide

Crash Recovery

Crash recovery using the RESTART DATABASE command or the automatic restart enable configuration parameter (autorestart) protects a database from being left in an inconsistent, or unusable, state.

The following topics provide additional information:

Getting to a Consistent Database

Database commands and applications can fail for various reasons. A transaction failure is not the failure of a database action when it is caused by an incorrect parameter, a limit being exceeded, or a rollback caused by a deadlock. Rather, it is a severe error or condition that causes the database or database manager to end abnormally, and requires that the database be recovered. Examples include events such as a power failure on a machine (causing the database manager and database partitions on it to be down), or a COMMIT/ROLLBACK failure that causes the database to go down because the disk that contains the database log is full, and no additional log files can be allocated for writing the COMMIT/ROLLBACK record.

While applications or commands are running against a database, an interruption in power or the failure of an application may cause the immediate cessation or stopping of all activity with the database. One or more of the applications or commands may have started working with the data in the database but were not complete. Also, some committed units of work may not have been flushed to disk. The partially completed (or nonflushed) units of work leave the database in an inconsistent, or unusable, state.

See the following topics for more information:

Planning to Use Automatic Restart

The only consideration is whether you want the rollback of incomplete units of work at the time of a failure to be done automatically by the database manager. If you do, enable the automatic restart (autorestart) configuration parameter by setting it to "ON". (This is the default.) If you do not have the automatic restart enabled, you should be prepared to issue the RESTART DATABASE command when a database failure occurs.
Note:If you have enabled the automatic restart, following a database failure, a restart will begin. The restart may take some time, so you should not think that the database is hanging or not responding. The db2diag.log file records when a database restart begins. If you want to know what is happening at all times and not be thinking the database is not responding, then you should consider disabling the automatic restart.

Enabling Automatic Restart

Automatic restart is enabled through the autorestart database configuration parameter. The default for this parameter is that automatic restart is "on". See Chapter 32, Configuring DB2 for more information on this parameter.

Transaction Failure Recovery in a Partitioned Database Environment

Typically, database recovery is required on both the failed database partition server and any other database partition server that was participating in the same transaction or application. Database recovery on the failed database partition server is often called crash recovery. Crash recovery occurs on the database partition server that failed after the condition that caused the failure is corrected (for example, the power supply is reactivated). Database recovery on the other (still active) database partition servers occurs immediately after the failure is detected. Sometimes called database partition failure recovery, in this recovery process, resources are transparently cleaned up for the failed transaction or application.

For more information, see Failure Recovery on an Active Database Partition Server, and Transaction Failure Recovery on the Failed Database Partition Server.

Two-Phase Commit Protocol

The discussion of two-phase commit protocol here is to introduce crash recovery in a partitioned database system. For more information about two-phase commit, see Understanding the Two-Phase Commit Process.

In a partitioned database environment, the database partition server on which an application is submitted is the coordinator node, and the first agent that works for the application is the coordinator agent. The coordinator agent is responsible for distributing work to other database partition servers, and it keeps track of which ones are involved in the transaction. When the application issues a COMMIT for a transaction, the coordinator agent commits the transaction by using the two-phase commit protocol. In the first phase, the coordinator node distributes a PREPARE request to all the other database partition servers that are participating in the transaction. These servers then respond with one of the following:

No data change occurred at this server

Data change occurred at this server

Because of an error, the server is not prepared to commit

If one of the servers responds "NO", the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise, the coordinator node begins the second phase.

In the second phase, the coordinator node writes a COMMIT log record, then distributes a COMMIT request to all the servers that responded "YES". After all the other database partition servers have committed, they send an acknowledgment of the COMMIT to the coordinator node. The transaction is complete when the coordinator agent has received all COMMIT acknowledgments from all the participating servers. At this point, the coordinator agent writes a FORGET log record.

Failure Recovery on an Active Database Partition Server

If any database partition server detects that another server is down, all work that is associated with the failed database partition server is stopped:

Any process (such as an agent or deadlock detector) that attempts to send a request to the failed server is informed that it cannot send the request.

Transaction Failure Recovery on the Failed Database Partition Server

If the failure caused the database manager to end abnormally, when the processor is restarted, you can issue DB2START with the RESTART option to restart the database manager. If you cannot restart the processor, you can also use DB2START to restart the database manager on a different processor. For more information, refer to the START DATABASE MANAGER command and API in the Command Reference and Administrative API Reference respectively.

An abnormal end may result in database partitions on the server being left in an inconsistent state (meaning that they are unusable). To make them usable, crash recovery is required to make them consistent. Crash recovery can be triggered on a database partition server:

Crash recovery reapplies the log records in the active log files to ensure that the effect of all complete transactions are in the database. After all the changes are reapplied, all uncommitted transactions are rolled back locally, except for indoubt transactions. In a partitioned database environment, there are two types of indoubt transaction:

Crash recovery attempts to resolve all the indoubt transactions by doing one of the following. The action that is taken depends on whether the database partition server was the coordinator node for an application:

It is possible that crash recovery may not be able to resolve all the indoubt transactions (for example, some of the database partition servers are not available). In this situation, the SQL warning message SQL1061W is returned. You should note that indoubt transactions hold resources, such as locks and active log space. It is possible to get to a point where no changes can be made to the database because the active log space is held up by indoubt transactions. For this reason, you should investigate if indoubt transactions remain after crash recovery, and recover all database partition servers that are required to resolve the indoubt transactions as quickly as possible.

If one or more servers that are required to resolve an indoubt transaction cannot be recovered in time, and access is required to database partitions on other servers, you can manually resolve the indoubt transaction by making an heuristic decision. You can use the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command to query, commit, and roll back the indoubt transaction on the server. For more information, refer to the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command and API in the Command Reference and Administrative API Reference manuals respectively.
Note:The LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command is also used for transactions in a distributed transaction environment. To distinguish between the two types of indoubt transactions, the "originator" field in the output that is returned by LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS displays one of the following:
  • DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition, which indicates that the transaction originated in the partitioned database environment.
  • XA, which indicates that the transaction originated in the distributed environment.

See Chapter 9, Designing Distributed Databases and Chapter 10, Designing for Transaction Managers for more information about distributed environments.

Identifying the Failed Database Partition Server

When a database partition server fails, the application will typically receive one of the following SQLCODEs. The method for detecting which database manager failed depends on the SQLCODE received:

This SQLCODE is received when a database partition server involved in a transaction is terminated during COMMIT processing.

This SQLCODE is received when the database partition server that failed is the coordinator node for the transaction.

This SQLCODE is received when the database partition server that failed is not the coordinator node for the transaction.

Determining which database partition server failed is a two-step process. The SQLCA associated with SQLCODE SQL1229N contains the node number of the server that detected the error in the sixth array position of the sqlerrd field. (The node number that is written for the server corresponds to the node number in the db2nodes.cfg file.) On the database partition server that detects the error, a message that indicates the node number of the failed server is written in the db2diag.log file.
Note:If multiple logical nodes are being used on a processor, the failure of one logical node may cause other logical nodes on the same processor to fail.

Typically, to recover from the failure of a database partition server:

  1. Correct the problem that caused the failure.
  2. Restart the database manager with the DB2START command from any database partition server.
  3. Restart the database with the RESTART DATABASE command on the failed database partition server or servers.

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