Administration Guide

Database Manager Configuration Parameter Summary

The following table lists the parameters in the database manager configuration file for database servers. When changing the database manager configuration parameters, consider the detailed information for each parameter. Specific operating environment information including defaults is part of each parameter description.

The column "Performance Impact" in the following table provides an indication of the relative importance of each parameter as it relates to system performance. It is impossible for this column to apply accurately to all environments; you should view this information as a generalization.

Table 52. Configurable Database Manager Configuration Parameters
Parameter Performance Impact Additional Information
agentpri High Priority of Agents (agentpri)
agent_stack_sz Low Agent Stack Size (agent_stack_sz)
aslheapsz High Application Support Layer Heap Size (aslheapsz)
audit_buf_sz High Audit Buffer Size (audit_buf_sz)
authentication Low Authentication Type (authentication)
backbufsz Medium Default Backup Buffer Size (backbufsz)
catalog_noauth None Cataloging Allowed without Authority (catalog_noauth)
comm_bandwidth Medium Communications Bandwidth (comm_bandwidth)
conn_elapse Medium Connection Elapse Time (conn_elapse)
cpuspeed Low (see note) CPU Speed (cpuspeed)
datalinks Low Enable Data Links Support (datalinks)
dft_account_str None Default Charge-Back Account (dft_account_str)
dft_client_adpt None Default Client Adapter Number (dft_client_adpt)
dft_client_comm None Default Client Communication Protocol (dft_client_comm)
  • dft_mon_bufpool
  • dft_mon_lock
  • dft_mon_sort
  • dft_mon_stmt
  • dft_mon_table
  • dft_mon_uow
Medium Default Database System Monitor Switches (dft_monswitches)
dftdbpath None Default Database Path (dftdbpath)
diaglevel Low Diagnostic Error Capture Level (diaglevel)
diagpath None Diagnostic Data Directory Path (diagpath)
dir_cache Medium Directory Cache Support (dir_cache)
dir_obj_name None Object Name in DCE Namespace (dir_obj_name)
dir_path_name None Directory Path Name in DCE Namespace (dir_path_name)
dir_type None Directory Services Type (dir_type)
discover Medium Discovery Mode (discover)
discover_comm Low Search Discovery Communications Protocols (discover_comm)
discover_inst Low Discover Server Instance (discover_inst)
dos_rqrioblk High DOS Requester I/O Block Size (dos_rqrioblk)
drda_heap_sz Low DRDA Heap Size (drda_heap_sz)
fcm_num_anchors High Number of FCM Message Anchors (fcm_num_anchors)
fcm_num_buffers High Number of FCM Buffers (fcm_num_buffers)
fcm_num_connect High Number of FCM Connection Entries (fcm_num_connect)
fcm_num_rqb High Number of FCM Request Blocks (fcm_num_rqb)
federated Medium Federated Database System Support (federated)
fileserver None IPX/SPX File Server Name (fileserver)
indexrec Medium Index Re-creation Time (indexrec)
initdari_jvm Medium Initialize DARI Process with JVM (initdari_jvm)
intra_parallel High Enable Intra-Partition Parallelism (intra_parallel)
ipx_socket None IPX/SPX Socket Number (ipx_socket)
java_heap_sz High Maximum Java Interpreter Heap Size (java_heap_sz)
jdk11_path None Java Development Kit 1.1 Installation Path (jdk11_path)
keepdari Medium Keep DARI Process Indicator (keepdari)
maxagents Medium Maximum Number of Agents (maxagents)
maxcagents Medium Maximum Number of Concurrent Agents (maxcagents)
max_connretries Medium Node Connection Retries (max_connretries)
max_coordagents Medium Maximum Number of Coordinating Agents (max_coordagents)
maxdari Medium Maximum Number of DARI Processes (maxdari)
max_logicagents Medium Maximum Number of Logical Agents (max_logicagents)
max_querydegree High Maximum Query Degree of Parallelism (max_querydegree)
max_time_diff Medium Maximum Time Difference Among Nodes (max_time_diff)
maxtotfilop Medium Maximum Total Files Open per Application (maxtotfilop)
min_priv_mem Medium Minimum Committed Private Memory (min_priv_mem)
mon_heap_sz Low Database System Monitor Heap Size (mon_heap_sz)
nname None NetBIOS Workstation Name (nname)
notifylevel Low Notify Level (notifylevel)
numdb Low Maximum Number of Concurrently Active Databases (numdb)
num_initagents Medium Initial Number of Agents in Pool (num_initagents)
num_initdaris Medium Initial Number of Fenced DARI Processes in Pool (num_initdaris)
num_poolagents High Agent Pool Size (num_poolagents)
objectname None IPX/SPX DB2 Server Object Name (objectname)
priv_mem_thresh Medium Private Memory Threshold (priv_mem_thresh)
query_heap_sz Medium Query Heap Size (query_heap_sz)
restbufsz Medium Default Restore Buffer Size (restbufsz)
resync_interval None Transaction Resync Interval (resync_interval)
route_obj_name None Routing Information Object Name (route_obj_name)
rqrioblk High Client I/O Block Size (rqrioblk)
sheapthres High Sort Heap Threshold (sheapthres)
spm_log_file_sz Low Sync Point Manager Log File Size (spm_log_file_sz)
spm_log_path Medium Sync Point Manager Log File Path (spm_log_path)
spm_max_resync Low Sync Point Manager Resync Agent Limit (spm_max_resync)
spm_name None Sync Point Manager Name (spm_name)
ss_logon None LOGON Required for DB2START/DB2STOP (ss_logon)
start_stop_time Low Start and Stop Timeout (start_stop_time)
svcename None TCP/IP Service Name (svcename)
sysadm_group None System Administration Authority Group Name (sysadm_group)
sysctrl_group None System Control Authority Group Name (sysctrl_group)
sysmaint_group None System Maintenance Authority Group Name (sysmaint_group)
tm_database None Transaction Manager Database Name (tm_database)
tp_mon_name None Transaction Processor Monitor Name (tp_mon_name)
tpname None APPC Transaction Program Name (tpname)
trust_allclnts None Trust All Clients (trust_allclnts)
trust_clntauth None Trusted Clients Authentication (trust_clntauth)
udf_mem_sz Low UDF Shared Memory Set Size (udf_mem_sz)
Note:The cpuspeed parameter can have a significant impact on performance but you should use the default value, except in very specific circumstances, as documented in the parameter description.

Table 53. Informational Database Manager Configuration Parameters
Parameter Additional Information
nodetype Machine Node Type (nodetype)
release Configuration File Release Level (release)

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