Administration Guide


The ADVISE_WORKLOAD table represents the statement that makes up the workload. For more details on workload refer to Administration Guide: Performance.

Column Name Data Type Nullable? Key? Description
WORKLOAD_NAME CHAR(128) No No Name of the collection of SQL statements (workload) that this statments belongs to.
STATEMENT_NO INTEGER No No Statement number within the workload to which this explain information is related.
STATEMENT_TEXT CLOB(1M) No No Content of the SQL statement.
STATEMENT_TAG VARCHAR(256) No No Identifier tag for each explained SQL statement.
FREQUENCY INTEGER No No The number of times this statement appears within the workload.
IMPORTANCE DOUBLE No No Importance of the statement.
COST_BEFORE DOUBLE Yes No The cost (in timerons) of the query if the recommended indexes are not created.
COST_AFTER DOUBLE Yes No The cost (in timerons) of the query if the recommended indexes are created.

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