Before you can use DB2 in the IBM LDAP environment, you must configure the following on each machine:
db2set DB2LDAPHOST=<hostname[:port]>where hostname is the LDAP server's TCP/IP hostname, and [:port] is the port number. If a port number is not specified, DB2 will use the default LDAP port (389).
DB2 objects are located in the LDAP base distinguished name (baseDN). If you are using IBM SecureWay LDAP directory server Version 3.1, you do not have to configure the base distinguished name since DB2 can dynamically obtain this information from the server. However, if you are using IBM eNetwork Directory Server Version 2.1, you must configure the LDAP base distinguished name on each machine by using the DB2SET command:
db2set DB2LDAP_BASEDN=<baseDN>
where baseDB is the name of the LDAP suffix that is defined at the LDAP server. This LDAP suffix is used to contain DB2 objects.
DB2 supports setting DB2 registry variables and CLI configuration at the user level. (This is not available on the AIX and Solaris platforms.) User level support provides user-specific settings in a multi-user environment. An example is Windows NT Terminal Server where each logon user can customize his or her own environment without interfering with the system environment or another user's environment.
When using the IBM LDAP directory, you must define an LDAP user before you can store user-level information in LDAP. You can create an LDAP user in one of the following ways:
A LDIF file containing the attributes for a person object appears similar to the following:
File name: newuser.ldif dn: cn=Mary Burnnet, ou=DB2 UDB Development, ou=Toronto, o=ibm, c=ca objectclass: ePerson cn: Mary Burnnet sn: Burnnet uid: mburnnet userPassword: password telephonenumber: 1-416-123-4567 facsimiletelephonenumber: 1-416-123-4568 title: Software Developer
Following is an example of the LDIF command to import an LDIF file using the IBM LDIF import utility:
LDIF2DB -i newuser.ldif
When working with the IBM LDAP client and before running DB2, you must configure the LDAP user distinguished name (DN) and password for the current logon user. This can be done using the db2ldcfg utility:
db2ldcfg -u <userDN> -w <password> --> set the user's DN and password -r --> clear the user's DN and password
For example:
db2ldcfg -u "cn=Mary Burnnet,ou=DB2 UDB Development,ou=Toronto,o=ibm,c=ca" -w password