Administration Guide


The EXPLAIN_STREAM table represents the input and output data streams between individual operators and data objects. The data objects themselves are represented in the EXPLAIN_OBJECT table. The operators involved in a data stream are to be found in the EXPLAIN_OPERATOR table.

Table 88. EXPLAIN_STREAM Table
Column Name Data Type Nullable? Key? Description
EXPLAIN_REQUESTER VARCHAR(128) No FK Authorization ID of initiator of this Explain request.
EXPLAIN_TIME TIMESTAMP No FK Time of initiation for Explain request.
SOURCE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No FK Name of the package running when the dynamic statement was explained or name of the source file when the static SQL was explained.
SOURCE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No FK Schema, or qualifier, of source of Explain request.
EXPLAIN_LEVEL CHAR(1) No FK Level of Explain information for which this row is relevant.
STMTNO INTEGER No FK Statement number within package to which this explain information is related.
SECTNO INTEGER No FK Section number within package to which this explain information is related.
STREAM_ID INTEGER No No Unique ID for this data stream within the specified operator.
SOURCE_TYPE CHAR(1) No No Indicates the source of this data stream:


Data Object
SOURCE_ID SMALLINT No No Unique ID for the operator within this query that is the source of this data stream. Set to -1 if SOURCE_TYPE is 'D'.
TARGET_TYPE CHAR(1) No No Indicates the target of this data stream:


Data Object
TARGET_ID SMALLINT No No Unique ID for the operator within this query that is the target of this data stream. Set to -1 if TARGET_TYPE is 'D'.
OBJECT_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Yes No Schema to which the affected data object belongs. Set to null if both SOURCE_TYPE and TARGET_TYPE are 'O'.
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(128) Yes No Name of the object that is the subject of data stream. Set to null if both SOURCE_TYPE and TARGET_TYPE are 'O'.
STREAM_COUNT DOUBLE No No Estimated cardinality of data stream.
COLUMN_COUNT SMALLINT No No Number of columns in data stream.
PREDICATE_ID INTEGER No No If this stream is part of a subquery for a predicate, the predicate ID will be reflected here, otherwise the column is set to -1.
COLUMN_NAMES CLOB(1M) Yes No This column contains the names and ordering information of the columns involved in this stream.

These names will be in the format of:


Where (A) indicates a column in ascending order, (D) indicates a column in descending order, and no ordering information indicates that either the column is not ordered or ordering is not relevant.

PMID SMALLINT No No Partitioning map ID.
SINGLE_NODE CHAR(5) Yes No Indicates if this data stream is on a single or multiple partitions:

On multiple partitions

On coordinator node

Directed using hashing

Directed using the row ID

Directed using a function (PARTITION() or NODENUMBER())

Directed using a correlation value

Directed to predetermined single node
PARTITION_COLUMNS CLOB(64K) Yes No List of columns this data stream is partitioned on.

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