This section describes future incompatibilities that users of DB2 Universal Database should keep in mind when coding new applications, or when modifying existing applications. This will facilitate migration to future versions of DB2 UDB.
WIN | UNIX | OS/2 |
The system catalog views will be read-only views. The SYSSTAT views will continue to be updatable.
UPDATE statements that used to work against columns in the SYSCAT views will fail.
Tools or applications are coded to change values in the catalog by updating the column as defined in the SYSCAT view.
Change the tool or application to change the catalog by updating the column as defined in the SYSSTAT view.
WIN | UNIX | OS/2 |
The SYSCAT.REFERENCES columns PK_COLNAMES and FK_COLNAMES will no longer be available.
Column does not exist and an error is returned.
Tools or applications are coded to use the obsolete PK_COLNAMES and FK_COLNAMES columns.
Change the tool or application to use the SYSCAT.KEYCOLUSE view instead.
WIN | UNIX | OS/2 |
The SYSCAT.INDEXES column COLNAMES will no longer be available.
Column does not exist and an error is returned.
Tools or applications are coded to use the obsolete COLNAMES column.
Change the tool or application to use the SYSCAT.INDEXCOLUSE view instead.