Administration Guide

Designing and Choosing Table Spaces

A table space is a storage model that provides a level of indirection between a database and the tables stored within that database. Table spaces reside in nodegroups. They allow you to assign the location of database and table data directly onto containers. (A container can be a directory name, a device name, or a file name.) This can provide improved performance, more flexible configuration, and better integrity.

For information about creating or altering a table space, see Creating a Table Space , or Altering a Table Space .

Since table spaces reside in nodegroups, the table space selected to hold a table defines how the data for that table is distributed across the database partitions in a nodegroup. A single table space can span several containers. It is possible for multiple containers (from one or more table spaces) to be created on the same physical disk (or drive). For improved performance, each container should use a different disk. Figure 36 illustrates the relationship between tables and table spaces within a database, and the containers associated with that database.

Figure 36. Table Spaces and Tables Within a Database

Table Spaces and Tables Within a Database

The EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables are in the HUMANRES table space, which spans containers 0, 1, 2 and 3. The PROJECT table is in the SCHED table space in container 4. This example shows each container existing on a separate disk.

The database manager attempts to balance the data load across containers. As a result, all containers are used to store data. The number of pages that the database manager writes to a container before using a different container is called the extent size. The database manager does not always start storing table data in the first container.

Figure 37 shows the HUMANRES table space with an extent size of two 4 KB pages, and four containers, each with a small number of allocated extents. The DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE tables both have seven pages, and span all four containers.

Figure 37. Containers and Extents

Containers and Extents

A database must contain at least three table spaces:

In a partitioned database environment, the catalog node will contain all three default table spaces, and the other database partitions will each contain only TEMPSPACE1 and USERSPACE1.

There are two types of table space, both of which can be used in a single database:

System Managed Space

In an SMS (System Managed Space) table space, the operating system's file system manager allocates and manages the space where the table is stored. The storage model typically consists of many files, representing table objects, stored in the file system space. The user decides on the location of the files, DB2 controls their names, and the file system is responsible for managing them. By controlling the amount of data written to each file, the database manager distributes the data evenly across the table space containers. An SMS table space is the default table space.

Each table has at least one SMS physical file associated with it. See SMS Physical Files for a list of these files and a description of their contents.

In an SMS table space, a file is extended one page at a time as the object grows. If you need improved insert performance, you can consider enabling multipage file allocation. This allows the system to allocate or extend the file by more than one page at a time. You must run db2empfa to enable multipage file allocation. In a partitioned database environment, this utility must be run on each database partition. Once multipage file allocation is enabled, it cannot be disabled. For more information about db2empfa, refer to the Command Reference.

You should explicitly define SMS table spaces using the MANAGED BY SYSTEM option on the CREATE DATABASE command, or on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. You must consider two key factors when you design your SMS table spaces:

To choose appropriate values for the number of containers and the extent size for the table space, you must understand:

SMS Physical Files

The following files are found within an SMS table space directory container:

File Name

There is one of these files in each container subdirectory, and they are used by the database manager when you connect to the database to verify that the database is complete and consistent.

Table file. All table rows are stored here, with the exception of LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB data.

File containing LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC data (also called "long field data"). This file is only created if LONG VARCHAR or LONG VARGRAPHIC columns exist in the table.

Files containing BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB data (also called "LOB data"). These files are only created if BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB columns exist in the table.

Files containing allocation and free space information about the SQLxxxxx.LB files.

Index file for a table. All indexes for the corresponding table are stored in this single file. It is only created if indexes have been defined.
Note:When an index is dropped, the space is not physically freed from the index (.INX) file until the index file is deleted. The index file will be deleted if all the indexes on the table are dropped (and committed), or if the table is reorganized. If the index file is not deleted, the space will be marked free once the drop has been committed, and will be reused for future index creation or index maintenance.

Temporary data file for the reorganization of a DAT file. When reorganizing a table, the reorg utility (through the REORG TABLE command) creates a table in one of the system temporary table spaces. These temporary table spaces can be defined to use containers different from those used for the user defined tables.

Temporary data file for the reorganization of an LF file. When reorganizing a table, the reorg utility (through the REORG TABLE command) creates a table in one of the system temporary table spaces. These temporary table spaces can be defined to use containers different from those used for the user defined tables.

Temporary data file for the reorganization of an LB file. When reorganizing a table, the reorg utility (through the REORG TABLE command) creates a table in one of the system temporary table spaces. These temporary table spaces can be defined to use containers different from those used for the user defined tables.

Temporary data file for the reorganization of an LBA file. When reorganizing a table, the reorg utility (through the REORG TABLE command) creates a table in one of the system temporary table spaces. These temporary table spaces can be defined to use containers different from those used for the user defined tables.


  1. Do not make any direct changes to these files. They can only be accessed indirectly using the documented APIs and by tools that implement those APIs, including the command line processor and the Control Center.

  2. Do not move these files.

  3. Do not remove these files.

  4. The only supported means of backing up a database or a table space is through the sqlubkp (Backup Database) API, including the command line processor and Control Center implementations of that API.

Database Managed Space Table Space

In a DMS (Database Managed Space) table space, the database manager controls the storage space. The storage model consists of a limited number of devices whose space is managed by DB2. The Administrator decides which devices to use, and DB2 manages the space on those devices. The table space is essentially an implementation of a special purpose file system designed to best meet the needs of the database manager. The table space definition includes a list of the devices or files that belong to the table space, and in which data can be stored.

A DMS table space containing user defined tables and data can be defined as:

When designing your DMS table spaces and containers, you should consider the following:

Adding Containers to DMS Table Spaces

The ALTER TABLESPACE statement lets you add a container to an existing table space to increase its storage capacity. The contents of the table space are then rebalanced across all containers. Access to the table space is not restricted during rebalancing. If you need to add more than one container, you should add them at the same time, either in one ALTER TABLESPACE statement, or within the same transaction, to prevent the database manager from having to rebalance the containers more than once.

You should check how full the containers for a table space are by using the LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS or the LIST TABLESPACES command. Adding new containers should be done before the existing containers are almost or completely full. The new space across all containers is not available until rebalancing is complete.

Adding a container which is smaller than existing containers results in a uneven distribution of data. This can cause parallel I/O operations, such as prefetching data, to perform less efficiently than they otherwise could on containers of equal size.

Table Space Design Considerations

This section covers the following topics:

Considerations for Table Space Input and Output (I/O)

The type and design of your table space determines the efficiency of the I/O performed against that table space. Following are concepts that you should understand before considering further the issues surrounding table space design and use:

Big-block reads
A read where several pages (usually an extent) are retrieved in a single request. Reading several pages at once is more efficient than reading each page separately.

The reading of pages in advance of those pages being referenced by a query. The overall objective is to reduce response time. This can be achieved if the prefetching of pages can occur asynchronously to the execution of the query. The best response time is achieved when either the CPU or the I/O subsystem is operating at maximum capacity.

Page cleaning
As pages are read and modified, they accumulate in the database buffer pool. When a page is read in, it is read into a buffer pool page. If the buffer pool is full of modified pages, one of these modified pages must be written out to the disk before the new page can be read in. To prevent the buffer pool from becoming full, page cleaner agents write out modified pages to guarantee the availability of buffer pool pages for future read requests.

Whenever it is advantageous to do so, DB2 performs big-block reads. This typically occurs when retrieving data that is sequential or partially sequential in nature. The amount of data read in one read operation depends on the extent size -- the bigger the extent size, the more pages can be read at one time.

How the extent is stored on disk affects I/O efficiency. In a DMS table space using device containers, the data tends to be contiguous on disk, and can be read with a minimum of seek time and disk latency. If files are being used, however, the data may have been broken up by the file system and stored in more than one location on disk. This occurs most often when using SMS table spaces, where files are extended one page at a time, making fragmentation more likely. A large file that has been pre-allocated for use by a DMS table space tends to be contiguous on disk, especially if the file was allocated in a clean file space.

You can control the degree of prefetching by tuning the PREFETCHSIZE parameter on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. (The default value for all table spaces in the database is set by the dft_prefetch_sz database configuration parameter.) The PREFETCHSIZE parameter tells DB2 how many pages to read whenever a prefetch is triggered. By setting PREFETCHSIZE to be a multiple of the EXTENTSIZE parameter on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, you can cause multiple extents to be read in parallel. (The default value for all table spaces in the database is set by the dft_extent_sz database configuration parameter.) The EXTENTSIZE parameter specifies the number of 4 KB pages that will be written to a container before skipping to the next container.

For example, suppose you had a table space that used three devices. If you set the PREFETCHSIZE to be three times the EXTENTSIZE, DB2 can do a big-block read from each device in parallel, thereby significantly increasing I/O throughput. This assumes that each device is a separate physical device, and that the controller has sufficient bandwidth to handle the data stream from each device. Note that DB2 may have to dynamically adjust the prefetch parameters at run time based on query speed, buffer pool utilization, and other factors.

Some file systems use their own prefetching method (such as the Journaled File System on AIX). In some cases, file system prefetching is set to be more aggressive than DB2 prefetching. This may cause prefetching for SMS and DMS table spaces with file containers to appear to outperform prefetching for DMS table spaces with devices. This is misleading, because it is likely the result of the additional level of prefetching that is occurring in the file system. DMS table spaces should be able to outperform any equivalent configuration.

For prefetching (or even reading) to be efficient, a sufficient number of clean buffer pool pages must exist. For example, there could be a parallel prefetch request that reads three extents from a table space, and for each page being read, one modified page is written out from the buffer pool. The prefetch request may be slowed down to the point where it cannot keep up with the query. Page cleaners should be configured in sufficient numbers to satisfy the prefetch request. At least one page cleaner should be defined for each real disk used by the database. For more information about these topics, refer to the Administration Guide: Performance.

Mapping Table Spaces to Buffer Pools

Each table space is associated with a specific buffer pool. The default buffer pool is IBMDEFAULTBP. If another buffer pool is to be associated with a table space, the buffer pool must exist (it is defined with the CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement), and the association is defined when the table space is created (using the CREATE TABLESPACE statement). The association between the table space and the buffer pool can be changed using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement.

Having more than one buffer pool allows you to configure the memory used by the database to improve overall performance. For table spaces with one or more large tables that are accessed randomly by users, the size of the buffer pool can be limited, because caching the data pages might not be beneficial. The table space for an online transaction application might be associated with a larger buffer pool, so that the data pages used by the application can be cached longer, resulting in faster response times. Care must be taken in configuring new buffer pools. For more information on this topic, refer to "Managing the Database Buffer Pool" in the Administration Guide: Performance.
Note:If you have determined that a page size of 8 KB, 16 KB, or 32 KB is required by your database, each table space with one of these page sizes must be mapped to a buffer pool with the same page size.

The storage required for all the buffer pools must be available to the database manager when the database is started. If DB2 is unable to obtain the required storage, the database manager will start up with default buffer pools (one each of 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, and 32 KB page sizes), and issue a warning.

In a partitioned database environment, you can create a buffer pool of the same size for all partitions in the database. You can also create buffer pools of different sizes on different partitions. For more information about the CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement, refer to the SQL Reference.

Mapping Table Spaces to Nodegroups

In a partitioned database environment, each table space is associated with a specific nodegroup. This allows the characteristics of the table space to be applied to each node in the nodegroup. The nodegroup must exist (it is defined with the CREATE NODEGROUP statement), and the association between the table space and the nodegroup is defined when the table space is created using the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

You cannot change the association between table space and nodegroup using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. You can only change the table space specification for individual partitions within the nodegroup. In a single-partition environment, each table space is associated with the default nodegroup. The default nodegroup, when defining a table space, is IBMDEFAULTGROUP, unless a system temporary table space is being defined; then IBMTEMPGROUP is used. For more information about the CREATE NODEGROUP statement, refer to the SQL Reference. For more information about nodegroups and physical database design, see Designing Nodegroups.

Mapping Tables to Table Spaces

When determining how to map tables to table spaces, you should consider:

Choosing an Extent Size

The extent size for a table space represents the number of pages of table data that will be written to a container before data will be written to the next container. When selecting an extent size, you should consider:

Recommendations for Temporary Table Spaces

It is recommended that you define a single SMS temporary table space with a page size equal to the page size used in the majority of your regular table spaces. This should be suitable for typical environments and workloads. However, it can be advantageous to experiment with different temporary table space configurations and workloads. The following points should be considered:

Recommendations for Catalog Table Spaces

An SMS table space is recommended for database catalogs, for the following reasons:

Given these considerations, an SMS table space is a somewhat better choice for the catalogs.

Another factor to consider is whether you will need to enlarge the catalog table space in the future. While some platforms have support for enlarging the underlying storage for SMS containers, and while you can use redirected restore to enlarge an SMS table space, the use of a DMS table space facilitates the addition of new containers.

Workload Considerations

The primary type of workload being managed by DB2 in your environment can affect your choice of what table space type to use, and what page size to specify. An online transaction processing (OLTP) workload is characterized by transactions that need random access to data and that usually return small sets of data. Given that the access is random, and involves one or a few pages, prefetching is not possible.

DMS table spaces using device containers perform best in this situation. DMS table spaces with file containers, or SMS table spaces, are also reasonable choices for OLTP workloads if maximum performance is not required. With little or no sequential I/O expected, the settings for the EXTENTSIZE and the PREFETCHSIZE parameters on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement are not important for I/O efficiency.

A query workload is characterized by transactions that need sequential or partially sequential access to data, and that usually return large sets of data. A DMS table space using multiple device containers (where each container is on a separate disk) offers the greatest potential for efficient parallel prefetching. The value of the PREFETCHSIZE parameter on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement should be set to the value of the EXTENTSIZE parameter, multiplied by the number of device containers. This allows DB2 to prefetch from all containers in parallel.

A reasonable alternative for a query workload is to use files, if the file system has its own prefetching. The files can be either of DMS type using file containers, or of SMS type. Note that if you use SMS, you need to have the directory containers map to separate physical disks to achieve I/O parallelism.

Your goal for a mixed workload is to make single I/O requests as efficient as possible for OLTP workloads, and to maximize the efficiency of parallel I/O for query workloads.

The considerations for determining the page size for a table space are as follows:

Choosing an SMS or DMS Table Space

There are a number of trade-offs to consider when determining which type of table space you should use to store your data.

Advantages of an SMS Table Space:

Advantages of a DMS Table Space:

Note:On Solaris and PTX (IBM NUMA-Q), DMS table spaces with raw devices is strongly recommend for performance-critical workloads.

In general, small personal databases are easiest to manage with SMS table spaces. On the other hand, for large, growing databases you will probably only want to use SMS table spaces for the temporary table spaces, and separate DMS table spaces, with multiple containers, for each table. In addition, you will probably want to store long field data and indexes on their own table spaces.

If you choose to use DMS table spaces with device containers, you must be willing to tune and administer your environment. For more information, refer to "Performance Considerations for DMS Devices" in the Administration Guide: Performance.

Optimizing Performance When Data is Placed on RAID Devices

This section describes how to optimize performance when data is placed on Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) devices. In general, you should do the following for each table space that uses a RAID device:


When reading data from, or writing data to table space containers, DB2 may use parallel I/O if the number of containers in the database is greater than 1. However, there are situations when it would be beneficial to have parallel I/O enabled for single container table spaces. For example, if the container is created on a single RAID device that is composed of more than one physical disk, you may want to issue parallel read and write calls.

To force parallel I/O for a table space that has a single container, you can use the DB2_PARALLEL_IO registry variable. This variable can be set to "*" (asterisk), meaning every table space, or it can be set to a list of table space IDs separated by commas. For example:

   db2set DB2_PARALLEL_IO=*        {turn parallel I/O on for all table spaces}
   db2set DB2_PARALLEL_IO=1,2,4,8  {turn parallel I/O on for table spaces 1, 2, 
                                    4, and 8}

After setting the registry variable, DB2 must be stopped (db2stop), and then restarted (db2start), for the changes to take effect.


Currently, when creating a DMS table space container (device or file), a one-page tag is stored at the beginning of the container. The remaining pages are available for data storage by DB2, and are grouped into extent-sized blocks.

When using RAID devices for table space containers, it is suggested that the table space be created with an extent size that is equal to, or a multiple of, the RAID stripe size. However, because of the one-page container tag, the extents will not line up with the RAID stripes, and it may be necessary during an I/O request to access more physical disks than would be optimal.

DMS table space containers can now be created in such a way that the tag exists in its own (full) extent. This avoids the problem described above, but it requires an extra extent of overhead within the container. To create containers in this fashion, you must set the DB2 registry variable DB2_STRIPED_CONTAINERS to "ON", and then stop and restart your instance:


Any DMS container that is created (with the CREATE TABLESPACE or the ALTER TABLESPACE statement) will have tags taking up a full extent. Existing containers will remain unchanged.

To stop creating containers with this attribute, reset the variable, and then stop and restart your instance:


The Control Center and the LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS command do not show whether a container has been created as a striped container. They use the label "file" or "device", depending on how the container was created. To verify that a container was created as a striped container, you can use the /DTSF option of DB2DART to dump table space and container information, and then look at the type field for the container in question. The query container APIs (sqlbftcq and sqlbtcq), can be used to create a simple application that will display the type.

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