To display DB2 and DB2 Connect performance values using the Performance Monitor, simply choose the performance counters whose values you want displayed from the Add to box. This box displays a list of performance objects providing performance data. Select an object to see a list of the counters it supplies.
A performance object can also have multiple instances. For example, the LogicalDisk Object provides counters such as "% Disk Read Time" and "Disk Bytes/sec"; it also has an instance for each logical drive in the machine, including "C:" and "D:".
Windows NT provides the following performance objects:
This object provides general information for a single Windows NT instance. The DB2 instance being monitored appears as the object instance.
For practical and performance reasons, you can only get performance information from one DB2 instance at a time. The DB2 instance that the Performance Monitor shows is governed by the db2instance registry variable in the Performance Monitor process. If you have multiple DB2 instances running simultaneously and want to see performance information from more than one, you must start a separate session of the Performance Monitor, with db2instance set to the relevant value for each DB2 instance to be monitored.
If you are running a partitioned database system, you can only get performance information from one database partition server (node) at a time. By default, the performance information for the default node (i.e. the node that has logical port 0) is displayed. To see performance information of another node, you must start a separate session of the Performance Monitor with the DB2NODE environment variable set to the node number of the node to be monitored.
This object provides information for a particular database. Information is available for each currently active database.
This object provides information for a particular DB2 application. Information is available for each currently active DB2 application.
This object provides information for a particular DCS database. Information is available for each currently active database.
This object provides information for a particular DB2 DCS application. Information is available for each currently active DB2 DCS application.
Which of these objects will be listed by the Windows NT Performance Monitor depends on what is installed on your Windows NT machine and what applications are active. For example, if DB2 UDB is installed and the Database Manager has been started, the DB2 Database Manager object will be listed. If there are also some DB2 databases and applications currently active on that machine, the DB2 Databases and DB2 Applications objects will be listed as well. If you are using your Windows NT system as a DB2 Connect gateway and there are some DCS databases and applications currently active, the DB2 DCS Databases and DB2 DCS Applications objects will be listed.