Managing QMF

Starting QMF
Setting up and starting QMF on OS/390
Choosing an authorization ID on OS/390
Setting up QMF to run in native OS/390 as a batch job
Setting up and starting QMF on TSO
Setting up and starting QMF on ISPF
Setting up and starting QMF on CICS
Using the CICS/DB2 attachment facility
Verify QMF data sets on OS/390
Setting up QMF to run on VM
Connecting to DB2
Setting up QMF to run under ISPF
Starting QMF from an ISPF menu on CMS
Starting QMF in batch mode in ISPF
Verify QMF data files on VM
Setting up and starting QMF on VSE
Starting QMF from the VSE/ESA function selection menu
Connecting CICS and DB2 for VSE
Starting QMF from a CICS application
Starting QMF from a cleared CICS screen
Customizing Your Start Procedure
Choosing the right amount of virtual storage for each session
Program parameters for OS/390 and z/OS
DSQSBSTG (adjusting storage for report data)
DSQSRSTG (Adjusting reserved storage used for applications)
DSQSPILL (acquiring extra storage)
DSQSIROW (controlling the number of report rows retrieved for display)
Tracing QMF activity at the start of a session
Tracing QMF activity at the start of a session
Customizing your start procedure on VM
Naming the program segment
Controlling initial activities during a session
Customizing your start procedure on VSE
Program parameters for VSE
DSQSBSTG (adjusting GETVIS storage used for report data)
DSQSPILL (acquiring extra storage)
DSQSSPQN (specifying the name of the CICS spill storage)
DSQSIROW (controlling the number of report rows retrieved for display)
Tracing QMF activity at the start of a session
Controlling initial activities during a session
Summary of program parameters
The QMF Session Control Facility
Installing Q.SYSTEM_INI
When does the Q.SYSTEM_INI procedure run?
When does the Q.SYSTEM_INI procedure run?
Example shipped with QMF
User session procedure example
Procedure that displays an object list
Security and sharing session procedure
Diagnosis considerations
Importing the default system initialization procedure on OS/390
Importing the default system initialization procedure on VM
Importing the default system initialization procedure on VSE
QMF Installation User Exit (DSQUOPTS)
Establishing QMF Support for End Users
Creating user profiles to enable user access to QMF on OS/390
Establishing a profile structure for your installation
Adding a new user profile to the Q.PROFILES table
Preventing users without unique profiles from using QMF
Reading the Q.PROFILES table
Providing the correct profile on OS/390
Updating user profiles
Deleting profiles from the Q.PROFILES table
Establishing QMF support on VM
Ensuring that users have access to CMS
Establishing a profile structure for your installation
Adding a new user profile to the Q.PROFILES table in CMS
Preventing users without unique profiles from using QMF
Reading the Q.PROFILES table
Providing the correct profile for VM
Updating user profiles
Deleting profiles from the Q.PROFILES table
Establishing QMF support on VSE
Establishing a profile structure for your installation
Adding a new user profile to the Q.PROFILES table in CICS/VSE
Ensuring that users have access to CICS
Preventing users without unique profiles from using QMF
Reading the Q.PROFILES table
Providing the correct profile for VSE
Storing profiles in VM DB2 in a guest-sharing environment
Updating user profiles
Deleting profiles from the Q.PROFILES table
Granting and revoking SQL privileges
Using the SQL GRANT statement
Using the SQL REVOKE statement
Controlling access to QMF and database objects
Controlling access on OS/390
Controlling access on VM
Controlling access on VSE
Customizing a user's database object list
Using the default object lists on OS/390
Using the default object lists on VM and VSE
Enabling users to create tables in the database
Creating tables on OS/390
Creating tables on VM and VSE
Enabling users to support a chart
Supporting a chart in TSO and ISPF
Supporting a chart in CICS on OS/390
Supporting a chart on VM
Supporting a chart on VSE
Maintaining QMF objects using QMF control tables
Reading the Q.OBJECT__DIRECTORY table
Reading the Q.OBJECT__DATA table
Reading the Q.OBJECT_REMARKS table
Listing QMF queries, forms, and procedures
Displaying QMF queries, forms, and procedures
Transferring ownership of queries, forms, and procedures
Deleting obsolete queries, forms, and procedures
Importing queries, forms, and procedures in OS/390 data sets
Enlarging the dbspace for the QMF object control tables on VM
Enlarging the dbspace for the QMF object control tables on VSE
Maintaining a DB2 subsystem on OS/390
Managing data sets
Maintaining the control tables
Determining index use
Switching buffer pools
Maintaining tables and views using DB2 tables
Using DB2 catalog tables on OS/390
Using DB2 for VM and VSE System tables
Supporting locally defined date/time formats
Locally defined date/time formats on OS/390
Locally defined date/time formats on VM
Locally defined date/time formats on CICS OS/390 or VSE
Accessing the DXT end user dialogs (ISPF only)
Supporting the EXTRACT command on OS/390
Supporting the EXTRACT command on VM
Customizing the document editing interface for users
Customizing the document editing interface on OS/390
Customizing the document editing interface on VM
Customizing the QMF EDIT command
The EDIT command on OS/390
The EDIT command on VM
Enabling English support in an NLF environment
Using global variables to define the currency symbol
Enabling Users to Print Objects
Deciding whether to use QMF or GDDM services for printing
CICS (for OS/390 and VSE) considerations
Using GDDM services to handle printing
How QMF interfaces with your GDDM nickname
GDDM services on OS/390
GDDM services on VM
GDDM services on VSE
Using QMF services to handle printing
Using QMF services for printing in native OS/390 batch, TSO and ISPF
Using QMF services for printing in CICS
Using QMF's DSQPRINT to handle printing on VM
Using QMF services to handle printing on VSE
Defining a synonym for the print function key
Native OS/390 batch, TSO and ISPF
Defining a synonym for the print function key for CICS
Defining a synonym for the print function key in VM
Defining a synonym for the print function key on VSE
Printing objects
Customizing QMF Commands
Using the default synonyms provided with QMF
Default synonyms on OS/390
Default synonyms on VM
Creating a command synonym table
Creating a command synonym table on OS/390
Creating a command synonym table on VM and VSE
Entering command synonym definitions into the table
Choosing a verb
Choosing an object name
Choosing the synonym definition
Activating the synonyms
Activating the synonyms on OS/390
Activating the synonyms on VM and VSE
Minimizing maintenance of command synonym tables
Assigning one synonym table to all users
Assigning views of a synonym table to individual users
Customizing QMF Function Keys
Choosing the keys that you want to customize
Default keys on full-screen panels
Default keys on window panels
Creating the function key table
Creating the table on OS/390
Creating the table on VM and VSE
Entering your function key definitions into the table
Linking a command with a function key
Labeling the function key and positioning it on the screen
Examples of key definitions
Identifying the panel that you want to customize
Full-screen panel identifiers
Window panel identifiers
Activating new function key definitions
Activating definitions on OS/390
Activating definitions on VM
Activating definitions on VSE
Testing and problem diagnosis for the function key table
Creating Your Own Edit Codes for QMF Forms
QMF forms
Choosing an edit code
Handling DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP information
Calling your exit routine to format the data
Calling your exit routine on OS/390
Calling your exit routine on VM
Calling your exit routine on VSE
Passing information to and from the exit routine
Fields of the Interface control block
Fields that characterize the input area
Fields that characterize the output area
Passing control to the exit routine when QMF terminates
Writing an edit routine in HLASM (high level assembler)
Writing an edit routine for native OS/390, TSO, or ISPF
Writing an edit routine in Assembler for CICS
Writing an edit routine for VM
Writing an edit routine in Assembler for CICS/VSE
Writing an edit routine in PL/I without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine for native OS/390, TSO, or ISPF without LE
Writing an edit routine on VM without LE
Writing an edit routine in PL/I with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for native OS/390, TSO, or ISPF with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for VM with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for CICS on OS/390
Example program DSQUXCTP
How a PL/I edit routine interacts with CICS
Translating your program
Compiling your program on OS/390
Link-editing your program
Example JCL statements for translating, compiling, and link-editing for CICS on OS/390
CICS program definition
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for CICS/VSE
Example program DSQUXCTP
How a PL/I edit routine interacts with CICS
Translating your program
Link-editing your program
Example JCL statements for translating, compiling, and link-editing for CICS on VSE
How a PL/I program interacts with QMF
Writing an edit routine in COBOL without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for native OS/390, TSO, or ISPF without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CMS without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for native OS/390, ISPF, and TSO with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CMS with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CICS on OS/390
How a COBOL edit routine interacts with CICS
Translating your COBOL program
Example program DSQUCTC
How a COBOL edit routine interacts with QMF
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CICS/VSE
Example program DSQUCTC
Literal delimiters: quotes or apostrophes
How a COBOL edit routine interacts with CICS
How a COBOL edit routine interacts with QMF
Translating your COBOL program
Defining the edit exit phase to CICS on VSE
Handling double-byte character set data
Edit codes for DBCS data
What the edit routine receives
Ensuring the edit routine returns the right results
Controlling QMF Resources using a Governor Exit Routine
Using a governor exit routine on OS/390
Using the IBM-supplied governor exit routine
Using a governor exit routine on VM
Using the IBM-supplied governor exit routine
Using a governor exit routine on VSE
Using the IBM-supplied governor exit routine
Modifying the IBM-supplied governor exit routine or writing your own
Modifying the governor exit on OS/390
Modifying the governor exit on VM
Modifying the governor exit on VSE
How and when QMF calls the governor exit routine
Passing resource control information to the governor exit
Structure of the DXEGOVA control block
Addressing the resource control table
Structure of the DXEXCBA control block
Storing resource control information for the duration of a QMF session
Canceling user activity
Providing messages for canceled activities
Assembling and generating your governor exit routine in CMS
Assembling your governor exit
Assembling and link-editing your governor exit routine in TSO, ISPF, and native OS/390 batch
Assembling your governor exit
Link-editing your governor exit routine
Assembling and generating your governor exit routine in CMS
Assembling your governor exit
Assembling, translating, and link-editing your governor exit routine in CICS on OS/390
Assembling your governor exit
Assembling, translating, and link-editing your governor exit routine in CICS on VSE
Assembling your governor exit
Link editing your governor exit routine
Example JCL statements
Using the DB2 governor on OS/390
Monitoring the resources
Differences between governors
When the maximum processor time is exceeded
Applying the DB2 governor to QMF for
Running QMF as a Batch Program
Running QMF as batch a batch program on OS/390
Using the QMF batch query/procedure application (BATCH) in ISPF
Running QMF batch in native OS/390
Running QMF as a non-interactive transaction on CICS
Running batch from a terminal
Running batch without a terminal
Debugging a procedure
Termination return codes
Running QMF as a batch program on CMS
Authority to operate in batch mode
Running batch jobs on your CMS machine
Debugging a procedure
MACLIBs required on VM
Using the application
Filling in the prompt panel
Modifying the batch application
Troubleshooting and Problem Diagnosis
Troubleshooting common problems
Handling initialization errors
Handling warning messages
Handling GDDM errors during printing
Handling QMF errors during printing on OS/390
Handling QMF errors during printing on VM
Handling CMS command errors
Handling display errors on VSE
Handling display errors
Solving performance problems
Determining the problem using diagnosis aids
Choosing the right diagnosis aid for the symptoms
Diagnosing your problem using QMF message support
Using the QMF trace facility
Diagnosing abends
Abend handling on VM Here
Abend handling on VSE
Using the QMF interrupt facility
Using error log reports from the Q.ERROR_LOG table
Reporting a problem to IBM
Using ServiceLink to search for previously reported problems
Working with your IBM support center
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