The information in the following table helps you to solve errors that can occur during printing:
What happens | What it means | What to do |
You issue the PRINT command from
the command line or a function key and see the message:
GDDM printer nickname is required for PRINTER. |
The object you are trying to print needs a printer name, and no printer name default exists in your profile. | Press the Enter key again to display a prompt panel on which you can enter a printer name and other print parameters. You can set a printer name default in your profile to avoid being prompted. |
You issue several PRINT commands but find that only the last object is printed. | Your output data set does not have a disposition of MOD, so each PRINT operation reopens the data set and overwrites the previous contents. | Change the disposition of your output data set to MOD. You cannot use the disposition MOD with a member of a regioned data set. |
You print a QMF object and see unexpected control characters in the printed output or data set. | The device token or PROCOPT you are using does not match the device on which you are actually printing. | Supply the correct device token,
or reduce control characters to a minimum by one of these techniques:
When printing a report, table,
SQL or QBE query, procedure, or profile, you see the message:
File DSQPRINT did not open. |
No printer name default exists in your profile, and no DSQPRINT data set or system output is currently allocated. | Allocate DSQPRINT before issuing a print command. |
Reminder: If you allocate output from DSQDEBUG to go to the HOLD queue, to release the output to the OUTPUT queue you must issue the following TSO command: FREE DDNAME(DSQDEBUG) |