Diagnosing your problem using QMF message support

QMF issues various types of messages during a user's session, indicating either that QMF successfully completed the user's request or that an error occurred. All QMF messages have a message number of the form DSQnnnnn, where nnnnn is a five-digit number. These numbers are listed in the QMF Messages and Codes manual, which provides more information on how you can solve the problem.

To obtain the message number and more information about the error, press the Help key to display a message help panel. Each help panel has a panel number associated with it. If you report the problem to IBM, your IBM Support Center representative might need this number. To make sure the number displays, set the global variable DSQDC__SHOW__PANID to 1:


Determining which QMF function issued an error message

You can use the QMF message number, which begins with DSQ, to determine which QMF component issued the message. This information can help you isolate the problem to a specific QMF function.

The QMF functions and their associated ranges of message numbers are shown in Table 90. The trace IDs are the same IDs that you use to trace QMF activity for each function.

Table 90. QMF functions and the message numbers they issue
Function Trace ID Message Numbers
Database services I DSQ10000 - DSQ19999 DSQ30000 - DSQ39999
Dialog command processing D DSQ20000 - DSQ29999
Display services E DSQ40000 - DSQ49999
Common services and Systems interface C DSQ50000 - DSQ59999
Report formatting F DSQ60000 - DSQ69999
Charting P DSQ70000 - DSQ79999
Full-screen windows G DSQ80000 - DSQ89999

In addition to the message numbers in Table 90, the following ranges of message numbers might be generated during QMF initialization:
DSQI0001 - DSQI0100
DSQ90000 - DSQ99999

Handling system error messages

A system error might indicate a system problem, a resource problem, or an unexpected condition. These might be problems within QMF, the database manager, or possibly some other software component. System errors are indicated by the following message:

Sorry, a system error occurred.  Your command may not have been

Press the Help key to display more information about the message, or see the QMF Messages and Codes manual.

All uncommitted changes to the database are rolled back when a system problem stops QMF. Error information about the system problem is written to the trace data, which is the only source of information for a system problem that stops QMF. The Q.ERROR__LOG table contains information about a system error only if the error occurred while the database was still running.

Handling SQL return codes

In some cases, the message QMF displays might map to an SQL return code. For example, suppose a user receives QMF message DSQ10422. This message maps to the SQL return code -30060, which has the text:


See the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for the SQL return codes.

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