Setting up and starting QMF on CICS

After QMF is tailored for CICS, start the QMF transaction (the default transaction is QMFE) from the CICS screen as follows:

QMFE parameters

where QMFE is the transaction ID, and parameters represents the desired program parameters.

You can also write an application program to issue the CICS START command and specify program parameters, as in the following example:


A terminal ID (TERMID) is required for an interactive session (DSQSMODE = I), and is optional for a noninteractive session (DSQSMODE = B). If the terminal ID specifies where the calling CICS application is running, the QMF session starts when the CICS application finishes. To specify a terminal ID, the terminal must be available. Also, make sure the ID is defined as either a local or a remote terminal on the system where the START command is issued.

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