Figure 157 shows how QMF and your edit exit routine work together to format data using the edit codes you define.
When you enter your own code in a column of FORM.MAIN or FORM.COLUMNS, QMF passes certain characteristics of the data into the first interface control block. These characteristics reside in specific fields of the control block, which are discussed in Fields of the Interface control block. QMF also passes into the input area the data to be formatted and an output area that holds the formatted result.
IBM supplies six different versions of a sample edit exit routine in QMF720.SDSQSAPE.
Language | TSO and native OS/390 Batch | CICS |
The sample program supports two edit codes:
The sample program is commented so you can more easily see how a user edit routine works. You can use the sample as a template for creating your own program. These routines can be found in QMF720.SDSQSAPE on OS/390.
QMF supplies the user edit routine DSQUEDIT for TSO and native OS/390, and a reentrant module, DSQUECIC, for CICS, which are located in the QMF library QMF720.SDSQLOAD. Delete or rename the QMF-supplied module when you are ready to use your edit routine.
See Figure 159for the general structure of an edit routine.
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