Locally defined date/time formats on OS/390

To define local formats, your installation creates two formatting routines. One of these, named DSNXVDTX, formats dates. The other, named DSNXVTMX, formats times. Creating these routines is a DB2 administration task. If you yourself must do it, see information on locally defined formats in the DB2 UDB for OS390 Administration Guide.

Specifying the format

When creating a report, a user can specify the local format for either type of data: TDL for dates; TTL for times. QMF does the formatting by calling the appropriate routine. You must ensure QMF can load both DSNXVTMX and DSNXVDTX.

Making the edit routine available

You can make these routines available by placing their load library in the STEPLIB concatenation of your users' JCL. Make certain that this library is searched before the DB2 program library. If the program library is searched first, QMF loads and uses two IBM-supplied stubs from the DB2 library. These stubs are meant to be used when no local formats are defined: they do no formatting at all. For example, the formatting routines are in the library XYZ.FORMAT. The library is properly placed in the STEPLIB statement in Figure 109, where the DB2 program library is DSN230.SDSQLOAD.

Figure 109. Making the edit routine available
//        DD DSN=XYZ.FORMAT,DISP=SHR          (local formatting library)
//        DD DSN=DSN230.DSNLOAD,DISP=SHR      (DB2 program library)
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