Calling your exit routine on VSE

Figure 160 shows how QMF for VSE and your edit exit routine work together to format data using the edit codes you define.

Figure 160. How a user edit routine works with QMF for VSE
Component ID is the top item in this chart. Below Component ID is  CLC Number
which branches down into 6 items- Abnormal termination procedure, No response
procedure, Incorrect output procedure, Slow response procedure, Message procedure,
and Document procedure. On the fourth level below the procedures are- Abendx
under Abnormal termination procedure, Loop and Wait which are both under No
response procedure, Incorrout which is under Incorrect output procedure, Perfm
which is under Slow response procedure, MSGx which is below message procedure,
and Doc which is under Document procedure. On the next (fifth) level is CBECT
name which is under Loop, and Document number which is under Doc. On the 6th
level are- Msg help number, FEP return code, and SQL return code which are
all under MSGx. On the 7th level under Incorrout and  Perfm are- Panel ID,
Object type, and Interrupt command. On the 8th level also below Incorrout
and Perfm are Run, and Other QMF command name. On the 9th level are- Prompted,
SQL query type, QBE  operator, and Proc which are all under Run. Object name
is under Other QMF command name. On the  10th and last level which are under
Incorrout and Perfm are- Install, Init, QMFDOC, and Term.

When you enter your own code in a column of FORM.MAIN or FORM.COLUMNS, QMF passes certain characteristics of the data into the first interface control block. These characteristics reside in specific fields of the control block, which are discussed in Fields of the Interface control block. QMF also passes into the input area the data to be formatted and an output area that holds the formatted result.

IBM supplies three different versions of a sample edit exit routine. One version is for assembler (DSQUXDTA), one is for PL/I (DSQUXDTP), and one is for COBOL (DSQUXDTC).

The sample program supports two edit codes:

Adds dashes to a social security number or a character string.
Transforms a department number into its department name, using a table internal to the program.

The sample program is commented so you can more easily see how a user edit routine works. You can use the sample as a template for creating your own program. These routines can be found in the QMF sublibrary on VSE.

The DSQUECIC program supplied with QMF is a sample meant to be used with the sample edit programs. Because of this, the program simply returns an error code when it is called, and QMF displays a message indicating you attempted to use an unsupported edit code.

After you write your edit exit program, name is DSQUECIC. Then translate, assemble (or compile), and link-edit the program to form the edit exit phase named DSQUECIC. You need to replace the IBM-supplied program with your new program. Do not change the name of the program; it remains DSQUECIC.

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