DSQSBSTG (adjusting storage for report data)

Parameter name
Short form
Valid values
From 0 to 99,999,999 bytes
0 bytes

The value of DSQSBSTG provides QMF with an upper limit (in bytes) on the storage available for report generation. It is a positive whole number ranging in value from 0 through 99, 999, 999. If DSQSBSTG is specified with a nonzero value less than a QMF-determined minimum (15 to 32 KB, depending on the environment), it is increased to that minimum.

When DSQSBSTG has a value of 0, this parameter is not used; instead, DSQSRSTG is used to specify storage. However, if both DSQSBSTG and DSQSRSTG are specified, DSQSBSTG is used. The default for native OS/390, TSO, or ISPF is 0.

TSO performance tradeoffs

Use the DSQSPILL parameter to provide users with a spill file, which is the virtual I/O (UNIT=SYSVIO), or other DASD storage. If the spill file is full, QMF continues to retrieve data into virtual storage in amounts specified by the DSQSBSTG or DSQSRSTG parameters. The user does not receive any notification if there is insufficient storage, and QMF can complete its report processing. If you do not provide enough space, performance might be poor even when using a spill file, because QMF must return to the database several times to retrieve all the requested data. Users must make sure they have enough virtual storage for the QMF work they need to do.

Consider using a governor exit routine to limit rows retrieved from the database, so that less virtual storage is used for queries and reports. For more information about governor exit routines, see Controlling QMF Resources using a Governor Exit Routine.

CICS performance tradeoffs

Use the DSQSPILL parameter to provide users with a spill file. If the spill file is full, the QMF transaction is suspended until there is enough storage to satisfy the request.

Consider using a governor exit routine to limit rows retrieved from the database, so that less virtual storage is used for queries and reports.

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