Creating user profiles to enable user access to QMF on OS/390

Code page considerations: QMF receives information from and presents information to the terminal screen through services provided by GDDM. To prepare GDDM device support, specify the code page to use with QMF, or tailor GDDM session defaults, see the GDDM System Customization and Administration.

The role of Q.AUTHID: QMF installation automatically grants SYSADM authority to the user ID Q. The user Q owns and manages these QMF resources:

For the discussions and procedures throughout this book, we assume you are administering QMF using the Q user ID or another ID with SYSADM authority.

All QMF users need access to a user profile, which determines how QMF handles individual input of specific users. Use the profile to control certain aspects of a user's environment, such as where printer output is routed or whether terminal input is converted to uppercase.

Each aspect of a user's QMF session maps to a value in a column of the Q.PROFILES control table. Each row of the Q.PROFILES table is an individual user profile. Reading the Q.PROFILES table shows the Q.PROFILES table in detail and discusses possible profile values.

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