To use GDDM services for printing QMF objects, you must:
Nicknames enable you to predefine complex print or display devices to simplify the work of your end users. Nicknames define device characteristics that indicate to GDDM how to format and distribute the report, and they can define both local and remote devices.
In CICS, GDDM searches only the defaults module, ADMADFC. GDDM uses nicknames to recognize all the devices with which it can communicate (including terminals).
The printer nickname you use depends on the type of device:
This chapter explains how to define nicknames for Family 1, 2, and 3 devices. For more information on how to set up a nickname for a Family 4 printer and use the ADMOPUT and ADMOPUJ utilities, see the GDDM System Customization and Administration manual for GDDM or the appropriate GDDM Installation and System Management manual. These publications also provide more information on each type of GDDM device.
To create a nickname in CICS, first define a GDDM ADMMNICK specification in the GDDM external default module ADMADFC. This specification indicates the device characteristics to GDDM, such as the number of lines per page the printer can handle, and how the printer is managed by CICS.
Use the format shown below for your ADMMNICK specification.
ADMMNICK NAME=nickname,TOFAM=family_type, DEVTOK=device_token(,TONAME=name)
TONAME is used only in CICS.
If you define the printer to CICS using CICS resource definition online (RDO) to update the CICS system definition (CSD) file, the TERMINAL attribute has the same value as TONAME.
To define the nickname 370PRINT for a Family 3 GDDM printer, you might use an ADMMNICK specification similar to the one below.
After you create the ADMMNICK specification in CICS, link the name with a physical device by updating the DCT. Make sure TONAME in the ADMMNICK specification and DESTID in the DCT have matching values.
This section shows examples of nicknames you might use for Family 1, 2, or 3 devices. For examples on defining nicknames for Family 4 devices, see the GDDM System Customization and Administration manual for GDDM or the appropriateGDDM Installation and System Management manual for GDDM.
GDDMPRT5 ADMMNICK TOFAM=3,PROCOPT=((PRINTCLTL,)),NAME=MYPRINT5The PROCOPT parameter specifies processing options using a print control (PRINTCTL) keyword, which allows you to specify a number of print control options. For example, you can use PRINTCTL to specify a page heading to be printed, the number of copies to print, and the width of margins. The zero in this example suppresses page headings.
For a list of print control options and how to use them, see the GDDM System Customization and Administration manual.
GDDMPRT6 ADMMNICK TOFAM=1,FAM=0,NAME=PCPRINT,TONAME=*,ADMPCPRTwhere * indicates the user's current device or the default value.
To print to a workstation printer connected to DOS, GDDM-PCLK must be installed on your workstation.
In CICS, the ADMMNICK nickname specifications reside in the GDDM external defaults module ADMADFC, which is supplied with the GDDM product.
To update the modules with your nickname specification:
For more information on the defaults modules, see the GDDM System Customization and Administration manual for GDDM or the GDDM Installation and System Management for VSE for GDDM manual.
In VSE, use the CEMT transaction to load a new copy of the ADMADFC phase into CICS storage. Use a statement similar to the following example:
After you update the ADMADFC module, you need to update the CICS resource definitions so that CICS can link the nickname with a physical device it manages.
For a family 1 or 2 printer, you can use macros to update CICS resource definitions in the TCT, or use CICS resource definition online (RDO) to update the CICS system definition (CSD) file.
For example, for this nickname specification:
you can update the CICS TCT using a macro similar to the example shown in below.
In VSE, all Family 1 and 2 devices must be described to CICS as queued.
For a Family 3 printer in CICS/VSE, you need to update the DCT using macros. For example, for this nickname specification:
you can update the CICS DCT.
Add the TYPE=SDSCI entry shown in Figure 125 after all other TYPE=SDSCI entries in the DCT. The device address (SYS097) corresponds to the printer, 04E, according to the assign statement in the startup JCL. If you use SYSLST, CICS STATS is part of your QMF report. Instead, use an alternate printer.
************************************************************************ * * * SYSTEM PRINTER FOR QMF OUTPUT. * * BLKSIZE: 132 + 1 FOR CTLCHR=ASA + 4 FOR RECFORM=VARUNB * ************************************************************************* * DFHDCT TYPE=SDSCI, + BLKSIZE=137, + DSCNAME=UTMS04E, + RECFORM=VARUNB, + DEVADDR=SYS097, + DEVICE=1403, + TYPEFILE=OUTPUT, + CTLCHR=ASA
Add the TYPE=EXTRA entry shown in Figure 126 after all other TYPE=EXTRA and TYPE=INDIRECT DCT entries. The TYPE=EXTRA entry corresponds to the preceding TYPE=SDSCI entry by the matching value for DSCNAME.
************************************************************************ * * * SYSTEM PRINTER FOR QMF OUTPUT. * ************************************************************************* * DFHDCT TYPE=EXTRA, + DESTID=S04E, + DSCNAME=UTMS04E,RSL=1