Importing the default system initialization procedure on OS/390

On OS/390 a default QMF system initialization procedure is shipped. The procedure is called DSQ0BINI. It can be found in QMF720.SDSQSAPE(DSQ0BINI).

You may want to verify if your system has a system initialization procedure before installing the sample The command DISPLAY Q.SYSTEM_INI will show you what is already installed, or issue the message, "Q.SYSTEM_INI cannot be found" if the initialization procedure has not been installed. If you already have a system intitialization procedure and wish to overwrite it with the sample, or do not have one and wish to install the sample, continue with the example below:


You can import your own version of the procedure, import the default procedure, and change it before saving it. Or, you can create your own procedure from within QMF.

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