To enable users to use the customized function key definitions you created:
For example, use a query like the one in Figure 154 to assign to English QMF user JONES the table MY__PFKEYS, and to German NLF user SCHMIDT the table MEIN__FKY. Always include a value for the TRANSLATION and ENVIRONMENT columns in a query that updates the Q.PROFILES table.
To allow any user to whom the table is assigned to use it, grant the SELECT privilege to PUBLIC. For example:
To minimize maintenance of function keys at your site, you can assign a view of the table. Grant the SELECT privilege on only the view to prevent users from accessing function keys not meant for their use.
The procedures for assigning views of a function key table are the same as those for command synonym tables, discussed in Minimizing maintenance of command synonym tables. Use the strategies discussed in that section to decide whether to assign a table or a view to individual users or groups of users.