QMF runs as a conversational transaction in CICS, and is defined in CICS resource tables during QMF installation. You can start QMF by issuing the QMFn transaction from a cleared CICS screen, as shown here:
QMFE B=600000,F=200,L=YES
The letters following QMFE represent abbreviated forms of some of the QMF program parameters that you can use to customize the behavior of a QMF session. For example, the values shown here start an interactive English QMF session, retrieve 200 rows of data before displaying the first screen of the report, and create active extra storage for report data when the amount of data retrieved into GETVIS storage reaches 600,000 bytes.
You can specify the parameters in any order on the QMFn transaction. Ensure that you meet the following requirements:
QMF uses default values in Customizing Your Start Procedure for parameters that are not entered following the QMFn transaction. The values that you supply remain effective throughout the QMF session, except for the parameter that specifies the level of detail in the trace data. Users can change this trace parameter directly from their profiles using the SET PROFILE command.
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