Supporting a chart in CICS on OS/390

QMF users can create charts from their reports through the interactive chart utility (ICU), a feature of GDDM. From a single report, users can specify different chart forms, such as scatter charts, pie charts, and bar charts. Users can use IBM-supplied chart forms or create their own. In addition, they can save newly created chart forms, provided they have libraries in which to store them.

During QMF installation, a data set is created to hold IBM-supplied charts. This data set is described to CICS by an FCT or CSD file entry with the name DSQUCFRM. This data set is normally allocated to the CICS region during CICS start up and is available to all CICS users. The DSQUCFRM data set is the default chart library used to store chart forms when using the ICS from QMF. You can store chart forms into other chart libraries by using the advanced form of the ICU panel directory. Each chart library must be described to CICS and accessed by the CICS region that is executing QMF. You describe the chart library with an FCT or file entry in the CSD data set. For a description on how to use the advanced ICU panel directory, see theGDDM Presentation Graphics Feature Interactive Chart Utility User's Guide.

In addition to the ICU, QMF provides an export chart command. This command is used to save the whole chart in graphic data format (GDF). When you export a chart, the GDF data is stored into the GDDM ADMF library. You can also save the whole chart in GDF using the ICU facility of GDDM.

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