Handling CMS command errors

You might encounter problems when using the QMF CMS command in the following ways:

The following sections describe the type of problem that might occur.

Using the CMS command to run an exec

QMF uses a STAE exit to establish an abend handler. If you use the CMS command to run an exec that alters the Stae exit, you can encounter the following problems:

Issuing the CMS command if QMF is started using ISPF

If you invoke QMF through the PGM form of the ISPSTART command, QMF packages the CMS command and uses the ISPF "SELECT CMD" service. The command is then executed in CMS subset mode. Some CMS functions do not work while in subset mode. if a function is started using the QMF CMS command and that function changes the CMS environment or resets CMS subset mode, results can be unpredictable when returning to QMF.

Note:if QMF is invoked with the DCSS form of the ISPSTART command, you do not get CMS in subset mode; you get the full CMS with all CMS functions available.

Using the DB2 for VM CONNECT command

If the CMS command is used to invoke a function and that function in turn executes a program that issues an DB2 for VM CONNECT, the results of that function are not known to QMF. In such a case when control is returned to QMF, QMF is unknowingly executing on behalf of the user ID specified by the CONNECT done outside of QMF. In this case all table requests are performed using the connect ID outside of QMF and all QMF objects are processed using the connect ID known to QMF.

Caution your end users not to use the DB2 for VM CONNECT command through the CMS command.

Using the DB2 for VM COMMIT command

If a function is invoked through the CMS command, and that function in turn executes a program that issues an DB2 forVM COMMIT command, the results can prematurely close the cursor on a QMF report object.

This might happen if the QMF report is not complete when issuing the CMS command. To prevent this from happening, complete or reset the report object prior to executing a function through the CMS command that causes a database commit. If the report cursor is closed prematurely, and you subsequently scroll to the bottom of the report, a system error occurs.

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