From a single report, users can specify different chart forms, such as scatter charts, pie charts, and bar charts. Users can use IBM-supplied chart forms or create their own. In addition, they can save newly created chart forms, if they have libraries in which to store them.
To create a library to hold a user's saved chart forms:
//DSQUCFRM DD DSN=aaaaaaaa,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=xxxx,VOL=SER=yyyy, // SPACE=(400,(200,50,25)), // DCB=(LRECL=400,BLKSIZE=400,RECFM=F)
Provide the DSN, UNIT, VOL, and SPACE parameters but do not change the DCB parameters.
The IBM-supplied chart forms are in the library QMF720.DSQCHART. Allocate this library to the DD name ADMCFORM. Both this library and the user's library are searched for user specified chart forms, but the new library is searched first. When the user saves a chart form, it always goes into the new library, never into QMF720.DSQCHART.
This arrangement gives each user access to both the IBM-supplied chart forms and those the user saved. It also prevents replacement of the IBM-supplied chart forms.
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