Labeling the function key and positioning it on the screen

The function keys on each QMF panel have labels next to the function key numbers. To ensure the label appears on the screen, you need to add a second row to the table. In this row, make sure the columns of the function key table have the following values:

Table 66. Values to label your function key table
Column Value Information
PANEL ID of the QMF panel you're customizing This is the same ID you used for the first row of the definition, explained in Linking a command with a function key.
ENTRY_TYPE L L indicates that the row defines the label associated with the function key.
NUMBER Number of the row where the key appears on the display, if you are customizing a full-screen panel If you are customizing a window or help panel, NUMBER represents the number of the function key (as it does in the first row you added to the table in Linking a command with a function key). For example, on the Home panel, F5 appears in row 1 and F12 appears in row 2.
PF_SETTING Text of the function key labels For full-screen panels, QMF displays on the screen exactly what you enter in this column, and does not adjust for spacing. For example, if you are customizing the QMF Home panel, you need to enter all the keys that appear on that panel, whether or not you customized them. QMF does not automatically fill in the default key settings for keys you choose not to customize. See Figure 150 for an example.

For window panels, you need to type only the label of the key in this column. See Figure 151 and Figure 152 for examples.

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