You can use the QMF message service to display a message to users after their commands are canceled, by using the following fields of the DXEXCBA control block:

Contains the message text.
Contains the error return code.

Upon entry to the governor, XCBMGTXT contains blanks, and XCBERRET contains binary zeros. The value of XCBERRET determines what message is displayed on the screen:

If QMF initialization is canceled by the governor exit, the preceding messages for XCBMGTXT and XCBERRET appear in the user's trace data rather than on the screen.

Set XCBLOGM to 1 to log a message in the user's trace data for any function call in your own governor exit routine. If the value of XCBERRET is nonzero, the IBM-supplied governor logs cancellation messages in the user's trace data by setting the XCBLOGM field of the DXEXCBA control block to a value of 1.

The trace facility writes messages to the DSQDEBUG data set at a level of detail determined by the value of the XCBTRACE field of the DXEXCBA control block. Use a value of zero for XCBTRACE if you do not want messages to be logged (although initialization errors are logged unless you do not allocate a trace data set). Use a value of 1 or 2 in the U-setting of the trace option to get trace output. For additional details on using the QMF trace facility, see Using the QMF trace facility.

The IBM-supplied governor does not log messages for termination function calls.

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