Using error log reports from the Q.ERROR_LOG table

The Q.ERROR_LOG table is a QMF control table that logs information about resource problems and problems caused by possible software defects. The structure of the table is shown in Table 91.

Table 91. Structure of the Q.ERROR_LOG table
Column name Data type Length (bytes) Nulls allowed? Function/values
DATESTAMP CHAR 8 no The date on which the error occurred. It is in the form yyyymmdd.
TIMESTAMP CHAR 5 no The time at which the error occurred. It is in the form hh:mm, where hh is the hour and mm is the minute.
USERID CHAR 8 no The logon ID or, in CICS, the terminal ID of the user who experienced the error.
MSG_NO CHAR 8 no The QMF message number that was issued with the error.
MSGTEXT VARCHAR 254 no Text of the message. SQL errors might have data from the SQLCA in this column.

A long error message might need more than one row of the table to represent it. If it does, the values of every column except the MSGTEXT column repeat. Within the MSGTEXT column, each row carries a fragment of the message. A fragment begins with 1), 2), 3), and so on, to indicate its relative position in the message.

To help diagnose problems, you can query the Q.ERROR_LOG table for information about errors. You need to know the terminal ID of the user who experienced the problem and the approximate time the problem occurred. Figure 272 shows the format of the query.

Figure 272. Querying the error log for problem information
  WHERE USERID = 'terminal_id'  (for CICS)
  WHERE USERID = 'user_id'      (for other than CICS)
    AND DATESTAMP = 'date'
    AND TIMESTAMP BETWEEN 'time1' AND 'time2'

Be sure to use valid formats for the date and times you supply.

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