The QMF library
About this book
Who should read this book
What you should know before you begin
How to use this book
Prerequisite and related information
How National Language Feature information is represented
How to send your comments
How to order QMF books
Where to next?
Installing QMF on z/OS and OS/390
Introducing QMF and the Install Process
Introducing QMF
How QMF can access data in other databases
Overview of the database installation process
DB2 UDB for OS/390 requirements for QMF
Planning for QMF
Hardware requirements
Prerequisite software
Planning your storage requirements
Moving modules to enhance performance
Estimating SMP/E storage
Estimating space for user data sets
Planning for QMF under CICS
Planning for QMF for DB2 UDB for OS/390 for AIX
Complete the worksheets
Submitting QMF Batch Install Jobs
Step 4--Install QMF panels
Step 5--Install QMF/GDDM map groups
Step 6--Install QMF/GDDM sample chart forms
Step 7--Convert REXX exec and CLIST records
Preparing QMF as a DB2 universal database for OS/390 application
Step 8--Binding QMF install programs to DB2 UDB for OS/390
Step 9--Create QMF control tables
Step 10-- Create a table space for the QMF IVP
Establishing the QMF sample tables
Step 11--Delete earlier sample tables
Step 12--Create the QMF sample tables
Step 13--Bind QMF packages
Step 14--Bind communications package to DB2 UDB for OS/390
Step 15--Bind QMF application plan to DB2 UDB for OS/390
Tailoring QMF for TSO
Step 16--Create a TSO logon procedure
Step 17--Start QMF
Step 18--Set up QMF batch job to run batch IVP (optional)
Providing Input Parameters
Step 1--Provide QMF installation parameters
Step 2--Tailor the jobs
Step 3--Install QMF in the foreground
Tailoring QMF for CICS
Step 19--Describe QMF to DB2 UDB for OS/390 in CICS
Step 20--Link-edit QMF with DFHEAI and DFHEAI0
Step 21--Define and load QMF/GDDM data sets
Step 22--Update CICS control tables (CICS version 3 or later)
Step 23--Tailor the QMF profile
Step 24--Update CICS startup job stream
Tailoring QMF for Workstation Database Servers
Step 25--Bind QMF install programs to DB2 DRDA AS
Step 26--Create QMF control tables in a DB2 DRDA AS
Step 27--Bind QMF application programs to a DB2 DRDA AS
Step 28--Create QMF sample tables in a DB2 DRDA AS
Deleting QMF from a DB2 DRDA AS
Starting QMF against a DB2 DRDA AS
Tailoring QMF for DB2 Universal Database for iSeries
Step 29--Bind QMF install programs to DB2 UDB for iSeries
Step 30--Create QMF control tables in a DB2 UDB for iSeries server
Step 31--Bind QMF application programs to a DB2 UDB for iSeries server
Step 32--Create QMF sample tables in a DB2 UDB for iSeries server
Starting QMF against a DB2 UDB for iSeries server
Testing Your QMF Install
Step 33 (for TSO)--run the IVP
Step 33 (for CICS)--Run the IVP
Step 34--Install the QMF application queries and application objects (TSO)
Step 35--Run the batch-mode IVP (optional)
Step 36--Clean up after install
Step 37--Accept the permanent libraries
Step 38--Clean up security
Planning and Installing a QMF NLF
Profile table and NLF
Planning for QMF NLF
QMF NLF user data sets
IBM software distribution (ISD) tape
The installation process
Binding QMF Version 7.2 Packages at a Remote Server
Installing QMF on VM/ESA
Overview of QMF
Overview of the installation process
Planning for Installation
Hardware requirements
Prerequisite software
Virtual storage requirements
Required DB2 for VM knowledge
DB2 for VM requirements
Before you begin
Installing QMF Version 7.2 into the DB2 for VM Database
QMF installation flow diagram
The installation steps
Installing a QMF Version 7.2 National Language Feature (NLF)
NLF installation execs
Installing a National Language Feature
Hardware and program product requirements
The installation steps
Installing QMF on VSE/ESA
Before You Begin
Prerequisite software
QMF storage requirements
Apply service
Check space requirements
The planning considerations
Installation overview
Tailoring Your Installation
Punch members to an editor
install QMF base
Tailor QMF for NLF
Link-edit jobs for QMF
Tailor CICS
Install QMF for VSE/ESA into a second CICS system
Installing QMF into Remote Database Servers
Installing QMF V7.2 into a DB2 Universal Database remote server
Installing QMF Version 7.2 for an iSeries server
Run the Installation Verification Procedure
Before starting QMF
Start and test QMF
Run an IVP for NLF
What if it did not work?
How to Maintain QMF
Adding new components
Replacing existing components
Managing QMF
Starting QMF
Setting up and starting QMF on OS/390
Setting up QMF to run on VM
Setting up and starting QMF on VSE
Customizing Your Start Procedure
Choosing the right amount of virtual storage for each session
Customizing your start procedure on VM
Customizing your start procedure on VSE
Summary of program parameters
The QMF Session Control Facility
Installing Q.SYSTEM_INI
When does the Q.SYSTEM_INI procedure run?
When does the Q.SYSTEM_INI procedure run?
User session procedure example
Procedure that displays an object list
Security and sharing session procedure
Diagnosis considerations
Importing the default system initialization procedure on OS/390
Importing the default system initialization procedure on VM
Importing the default system initialization procedure on VSE
QMF Installation User Exit (DSQUOPTS)
Establishing QMF Support for End Users
Creating user profiles to enable user access to QMF on OS/390
Establishing QMF support on VM
Establishing QMF support on VSE
Granting and revoking SQL privileges
Controlling access to QMF and database objects
Customizing a user's database object list
Enabling users to create tables in the database
Enabling users to support a chart
Maintaining QMF objects using QMF control tables
Maintaining a DB2 subsystem on OS/390
Maintaining tables and views using DB2 tables
Supporting locally defined date/time formats
Accessing the DXT end user dialogs (ISPF only)
Customizing the document editing interface for users
Customizing the QMF EDIT command
Enabling English support in an NLF environment
Using global variables to define the currency symbol
Enabling Users to Print Objects
Deciding whether to use QMF or GDDM services for printing
Using GDDM services to handle printing
Using QMF services to handle printing
Defining a synonym for the print function key
Printing objects
Customizing QMF Commands
Using the default synonyms provided with QMF
Creating a command synonym table
Entering command synonym definitions into the table
Activating the synonyms
Minimizing maintenance of command synonym tables
Customizing QMF Function Keys
Choosing the keys that you want to customize
Creating the function key table
Entering your function key definitions into the table
Identifying the panel that you want to customize
Activating new function key definitions
Testing and problem diagnosis for the function key table
Creating Your Own Edit Codes for QMF Forms
QMF forms
Choosing an edit code
Handling DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP information
Calling your exit routine to format the data
Passing information to and from the exit routine
Passing control to the exit routine when QMF terminates
Writing an edit routine in HLASM (high level assembler)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for CICS on OS/390
Writing an edit routine in PL/I for CICS/VSE
Writing an edit routine in COBOL without language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL with language environment (LE)
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CICS on OS/390
Writing an edit routine in COBOL for CICS/VSE
Handling double-byte character set data
Controlling QMF Resources using a Governor Exit Routine
Using a governor exit routine on OS/390
Using a governor exit routine on VM
Using a governor exit routine on VSE
Modifying the IBM-supplied governor exit routine or writing your own
How and when QMF calls the governor exit routine
Passing resource control information to the governor exit
Storing resource control information for the duration of a QMF session
Canceling user activity
Providing messages for canceled activities
Assembling and generating your governor exit routine in CMS
Assembling and link-editing your governor exit routine in TSO, ISPF, and native OS/390 batch
Assembling and generating your governor exit routine in CMS
Assembling, translating, and link-editing your governor exit routine in CICS on OS/390
Assembling, translating, and link-editing your governor exit routine in CICS on VSE
Using the DB2 governor on OS/390
Running QMF as a Batch Program
Running QMF as batch a batch program on OS/390
Running QMF as a non-interactive transaction on CICS
Running QMF as a batch program on CMS
Troubleshooting and Problem Diagnosis
Troubleshooting common problems
Determining the problem using diagnosis aids
Reporting a problem to IBM
Appendix A. Miscellaneous
What if it did not work? (OS/390)
Error messages you might see
QMF for CICS on VSE/ESA and OS/390 Version 7.2 product limitations
Appendix B. QMF Objects Residing in DB2
QMF plans
QMF packages
QMF control tables and table spaces on OS/390
QMF views
VSAM clusters for OS/390
QMF sample tables for OS/390
Appendix C. QMF User Defined Functions
Appendix D. Migration and Fallback between QMF Releases
What is meant by migration?
Multiple releases of QMF
Granting access to the QMF V7R2 application plan and packages
DB2 subsystems and migration
Migrating QMF objects
Migrating applications
Other migration considerations
Global variables and the governor on VM
Appendix E. How QMF and GDDM Programs are Defined to CICS
How QMF programs are defined to CICS/MVS and CICS/VSE
Loading QMF to the 31-Bit shared virtual area on VSE
How GDDM definitions are loaded during QMF installation
Using transaction routing to control resource use
Appendix F. Notices
Appendix G. Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Appendix H. Bibliography
CICS publications
COBOL publications
DB2 Universal Database Server for OS/390 and z/OS publications
Document Composition Facility (DCF) publications
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) publications
DXT publications
Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) publications
HIgh Level Assembler (HLASM) publications
Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) publications
OS/390 publications
OS PL/I publications
REXX publications
VM/ESA publications
VSE/ESA publications
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