Who should use this book
How to use this book
How to send your comments
Chapter 1. Setting up an information catalog
Authorizing users to the Information Catalog Manager
Creating the information catalog
Registering a server node and information catalog
Opening an information catalog
Ensuring that users can start programs from the Information Catalog Manager
Authorizing Information Catalog Manager users to manage objects
Setting and changing status values for comments
Chapter 2. Organizing your information resources
Information Catalog Manager categories and object types
Creating your own object types
Updating an object type
Deleting an object type
Chapter 3. Populating the catalog with information
Creating an object
Copying an object
Updating an object
Deleting an object
Chapter 4. Making the information catalog convenient for users
Grouping objects by subject
Creating a linked relationship between objects
Associating contact names with objects
Associating comments and objects
Associating a program with object types
Creating a dictionary facility
Creating a support facility
Chapter 5. Expanding and automating your information catalog
Extracting descriptive data from other sources
Logging deletions from your information catalog
Importing and exporting tag language files
Chapter 6. Exchanging metadata with other products
Publishing and synchronizing metadata
Exchanging MDIS-conforming metadata with other products
Chapter 7. Maintaining the Information Catalog Manager
Preventing problems
Solving problems
Appendix A. Information Catalog Manager extract programs
Extract programs supplied with the Information Catalog Manager
Planning to run extract programs
Appendix B. Predefined Information Catalog Manager object types
Accessing the Information Catalog Manager sample data
Predefined object type models
Predefined object type descriptions
Appendix C. Metadata mappings
Metadata Mappings between the Information Catalog Manager and the Data Warehouse Center
Metadata mappings between the Information Catalog Manager and OLAP server
Appendix D. Tag language
Rules for writing tag language files
How the Information Catalog Manager reads tag language files
Valid data types for Information Catalog Manager descriptive data
How to read the tag language syntax diagrams
Appendix E. What a tag language file should look like
Start your tag language file with DISKCNTL
Define your additions, changes, and deletions
Committing changes to the database
Putting comments in the tag language file
Appendix F. Performing Information Catalog Manager functions from the command line
Starting the Information Catalog Manager from the command line
Creating an information catalog from the command line