Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Updating an object

You can change values for an existing object by using the Information Catalog Manager windows or tag language. (For information about updating a comment, see Updating a comment.)

Updating an object by using the Information Catalog Manager windows

Start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
Found In
Tree View
Linked With
  1. Right-click on the object you want to update.
  2. Click Update.

    The Update Object window opens.

  3. From the Properties/Values list, click a property.
  4. Edit the value for the property in the Enter value for selected property field.

    If you want to erase the existing value in the Enter value for selected property field, click Clear.

  5. Click Enter to move the changed value to the Value column in the Properties/Values list.
  6. Click Update when you finish changing values.

    To close the window without updating an object, click Cancel.

Updating an object by using the Information Catalog Manager tag language

  1. Enter the following lines in your tag language file:
  2. Enter the following lines, filling in the UUI properties and property values of the object you want to change:

    After each keyword, type an appropriate value within the parentheses:


    The short name of a UUI property of the object type.

    Properties and values that are specified after the SOURCEKEY keyword are the UUI. When you created the object type, you defined up to five properties in a certain order to make up the UUI. When you type those properties and values, the Information Catalog Manager checks the values in the order that is defined in the object type to locate a particular object.

    Completely enclose in parentheses all the properties and values after the SOURCEKEY keyword.

  3. Type the short name of each object property that you want to update, followed by the new value in parentheses.
    You do not have to include all the object's properties. Any properties you omit will not be updated.

Figure 5 shows an example of tag language to update an object. The example uses the object with UUI properties and values that are created in Figure 4.

In this example, the value in SHRTDESC is updated.

Figure 5. Updating an object with tag language

     SHRTDESC(Mobile phone customer information table)

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