Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Deleting an object

You can delete an object from your information catalog by using the Information Catalog Manager windows or tag language. (For information about deleting a comment, see Deleting a comment.)

Deleting an object by using the Information Catalog Manager windows

Start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
Found In
Tree View
Linked With
  1. Right-click on the object that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. (Optional) Deselect any objects in the Object list box that you do not want to delete.
  4. If you are deleting a Grouping object, you must decide what you want the Information Catalog Manager to do with the objects that are contained in the Grouping object:
  5. Click Delete to delete the object.

The object is deleted from the information catalog.

Deleting an object by using the Information Catalog Manager tag language

  1. To delete a Grouping object and all objects it contains, enter the following line in your tag language file:

    To delete a Grouping object and all relationships in which it participates, including the underlying tree structure, enter the following line in your tag language file:


    To delete a non-Grouping object, enter the following line in your tag language file:

  2. Enter the following line, filling in the object type of the object you want to delete:
  3. Enter the following lines, filling in the UUI properties and property values of the object you want to delete:

    After each keyword, type an appropriate value within the parentheses:


    The short name of the object type for which you are deleting an object.

    The short name of a UUI property that belongs to the object type for which you are deleting an object.

    Properties and values that are specified after the SOURCEKEY keyword are the UUI. When you created the object type, you defined certain properties in a certain order to make up the UUI. When you enter those properties and values, the Information Catalog Manager checks the values in the order that is defined in the object type to locate an object.

    Completely enclose in parentheses all the properties and values after the SOURCEKEY keyword.

Figure 6 shows an example of tag language to delete a Grouping object and all objects it contains. The example uses the object that is created in Figure 4.

Figure 6. Deleting an object with tag language


In this example, the table object identified by DBNAME(DGWDATA) OWNER(USERID) TABLE(CUSTOMER) is deleted.

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