Defines or identifies objects or relationships to be acted on.
This tag is required following:
There are four formats for the INSTANCE tag, depending on the format of the ACTION tag:
Adding or merging objects
:INSTANCE.short_name (property_value) . . . |
Figure 45. Using the INSTANCE tag when adding objects
Figure 46. Using the INSTANCE tag when merging objects
:ACTION.OBJINST(MERGE) :OBJECT.TYPE() :INSTANCE.short_name() :short_name() :short_name() |
Deleting an object
:INSTANCE.SOURCEKEY(UUI_short_name (UUI_property_value) . . . ) |
Figure 47. Using the INSTANCE tag when deleting objects
Figure 48. Using the INSTANCE tag when deleting Grouping category objects and contained objects
Figure 49. Using the INSTANCE tag when deleting Grouping category objects and relationships
SOURCEKEY must be the first keyword of the INSTANCE tag.
You must specify one UUI_short_name(value) combination for each property that is defined as a UUI property for the object type. Each object type has one or more properties defined as UUI properties. These properties uniquely identify an object in the information catalog.
Updating property values for an object
:INSTANCE.SOURCEKEY(UUI_short_name (UUI_property_value) . . . ) short_name (property_value) . . . |
Figure 50. Using the INSTANCE tag when updating objects
SOURCEKEY must be the first keyword of the INSTANCE tag.
You cannot specify the following property short names because you cannot update these properties: OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, UPDATIME, UPDATEBY.
You must specify one UUI_short_name(value) combination for each property that is defined as a UUI property for the object type. Each object type has one or more properties defined as UUI properties. These properties uniquely identify an object in the information catalog.
If you specify a property value, that value is updated in the information catalog. If you do not specify a property value, the value is not updated.
Adding or deleting relationships
:INSTANCE.SOURCEKEY(UUI_short_name (UUI_property_value)...) TARGETKEY(UUI_short_name (UUI_property_value)...) |
Figure 51. Using the INSTANCE tag when adding relationships
Figure 52. Using the INSTANCE tag when deleting relationships
SOURCEKEY must be the first keyword of the INSTANCE tag.
TARGETKEY must be the second keyword of the INSTANCE tag.
For each object, you must specify one UUI_short_name(value) combination for each property that is defined as a UUI property for the object type. Each object type has one or more properties defined as UUI properties. These properties uniquely identify an object in the information catalog.
You must separate each UUI_short_name(value) and short_name(value) pair with a blank, as shown in Figure 53.
Figure 53. Example of an INSTANCE tag with several short names
:INSTANCE.SOURCEKEY(UUIname1(value1) UUIname2(value2)) sname3(value3) sname4(value4) |
Leading blanks that are included between the parentheses for a value become part of the value; trailing blanks are removed. The Information Catalog Manager counts these blanks as part of the data length when determining whether the length of the value is valid. An error occurs if you include extra leading blanks or trailing blanks on a value that make the entire value longer than the maximum allowed length.