You can import the Information Catalog Manager tag language files into your information catalog.
You can also export the Information Catalog Manager objects and object types in the form of tag language files from your information catalog.
For information about importing and exporting tag language files that conform to the Metadata Interchange Specification (MDIS), see Exchanging MDIS-conforming metadata with other products.
Important information about importing
To import a tag language file to your information catalog, start from your Information Catalog window.
The Import window opens.
If you type only the file name, the Information Catalog Manager assumes the tag language file is on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.
To close the window without importing a tag language file, click Cancel.
To export the Information Catalog Manager objects from your information catalog to a tag language file, start from one of the following windows:
The Export window opens.
If you type only the file name, the Information Catalog Manager assumes that the tag language file is on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.
Give a new name to the export tag language file each time you export the Information Catalog Manager objects. The Information Catalog Manager does not append to, or write over, export tag language files.
If icon files already exist in the path, the Information Catalog Manager replaces them with the new icons.
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Use this window to identify additional related objects to export:
The Export window remains open with a progress indicator. A message indicates when the export process is complete.
To close the window without exporting objects, click Cancel.
Sometimes errors in your tag language files can stop the import process. When this happens, you can look in two files, the echo and log files, that the Information Catalog Manager creates during the process, to see what caused the problem.
The echo file records the tag language lines the Information Catalog Manager has processed. The log file records what happens during the import or export processes.
The Information Catalog Manager gives the echo file the name of the tag language file, plus an extension of ECH. For example, if you are importing TABLEOBJ.TAG (a tag language file), TABLEOBJ.ECH is the name of the echo file. The Information Catalog Manager automatically places the echo file on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.
The echo file contains uncommitted changes to the information catalog, so the tags of an echo file tell you which line in your tag language file stopped the import process. Figure 15 shows an example of an echo file.
Figure 15. Echo file showing tag language lines that the Information Catalog Manager processed
In Figure 15, the object type LOTNOTE was created with five properties. The import process ended after the checkpoint. From here, you can look in the log file to find error messages about the cause.
The log file includes the times and dates when the process started and stopped. It also includes any error messages for problems that occurred during the process.
You can specify a name for the log file or allow the Information Catalog Manager to give it the name of your tag language file plus an extension of LOG. For example, if you are importing TABLEOBJ.TAG (a tag language file), TABLEOBJ.LOG is the name of the log file.
You can specify a drive and path where the Information Catalog Manager places the log file. If you type only the file name, the Information Catalog Manager places the log file on the drive and path pointed to by the DGWPATH environment variable.
Figure 16 shows an example of a log file.
********************************************************************** Import started: Tag language file -- h:\rxlnotes\dg2lot.tag 1996/9/28 16:10:30 ********************************************************************** FLG0505: Unable to create object type LOTNOTE. Reason code is 34508. Extended code is 8. Import terminated with error(s). The database has been rolled back to either the last COMMIT tag executed or the beginning of the tag language file ********************************************************************** Import ended: Tag language file -- h:\rxlnotes\dg2lot.tag 1996/9/28 16:10:39 ********************************************************************** |
In this example, the Information Catalog Manager could not create the object type LOTNOTE, as indicated by reason code 34508. The explanation for the reason code (in the DB2 Universal Database Message Reference) is as follows:
The length value is invalid for the indicated property in the definition area because of the defined data type.
The book also states that the extended code indicates the sequence number of the property that caused the error.
The property specified by the extended code (property 8) has a length that is not valid for the data type. Because the Information Catalog Manager generates the first five properties of all object types (OBJTYPID, INSTIDNT, NAME, UPDATIME, and UPDATEBY), the eighth property is the MANAGERS property.
In the echo file, you can see that the length for this property is 50, but the type is T (for TIMESTAMP). The property called Managers cannot have a data type of TIMESTAMP, so the correct data type is C (for CHAR). Edit your tag language file to correct the data type and restart the import from the last checkpoint.
Place frequent commit checkpoints in the file so that the Information Catalog Manager only rolls back to the last checkpoint. See Committing changes to the information catalog database for more information about commit checkpoints.