This section describes how you can create a sample information catalog that contains both the predefined object types and objects of those types. It also describes how to import only the predefined object types.
You can help your users learn to use the Information Catalog Manager by setting up a sample DB2 UDB for Windows NT information catalog with which they can experiment. The sample information catalog includes all the predefined Information Catalog Manager object types, and objects of those types. The objects describe information that is typically required in a business environment. The Information Catalog Manager User's Guide uses the CelDial business scenario to introduce the Information Catalog Manager by using examples from this sample information catalog.
You create the DB2 database on the platform you want and then use the Create Information Catalog utility to create the sample information catalog. The sample information catalog utility populates your newly created information catalog with the sample data.
To create the sample information catalog:
X:\Program Files\SQLLIB\SAMPLES\SAMPDATA\DGWDEMOwhere X is the drive where you installed the DB2 Universal Database.
To get information about additional parameters that you can specify with this command, type DGWDEMO ? at the MS-DOS command prompt.
After you press Enter the last time, the utility proceeds to load the sample data. The utility notifies you when it finishes loading the sample data. The sample information catalog is now ready to use.
Note for Information Catalog Manager for the Web users: The sample data in the \SQLLIB\SAMPLES\SAMPDATA directory must be copied to the Information Catalog Manager for the Web server. You must copy it to a directory named ICMSAMP under the root directory. For example:
If you were unable to import the common object types when you created your information catalog, and you do not want to import the entire sample tag language file, you can import the object types using the following command at an MS-DOS command prompt:
X:Program Files\SQLLIB\SAMPLES\SAMPDATA\DGWDEMO /T userid password dgname
Passwords are case-sensitive for accessing databases on the following operating systems, you must type them exactly as specified.