Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Creating a support facility

You can set up an icon to provide users with any kind of support or helpful information about your information catalog.

You might use this icon to inform users of new items in the information catalog or announce planned updates to the information catalog.

When you set up this icon for the first time, it is displayed in every user's Information Catalog window as a saved search. Whenever users want to view current entries in the support facility, they can double-click on the saved search icon to view a list of items.

The Information Catalog Manager comes with a News object type.

To create a support facility:

  1. Create a Support category object type. See Creating your own object types for information on creating object types.
  2. Create new objects of this object type.
  3. Close the information catalog.

    When you log on to the Information Catalog Manager again, the new support facility is displayed in your Information Catalog window as a saved search. The new support facility is also displayed in every user's Information Catalog window.

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