Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Deleting an object type

When you delete an object type, all objects of that type are also deleted (unless any objects are Grouping objects that contain objects of a different object type). You can delete an object type from your information catalog by using the Information Catalog Manager windows or tag language.

Deleting an object type by using the Information Catalog Manager windows

  1. Optional: Search for objects of the object type you want to delete to ensure that you do not want to keep any of them.
  2. Right-click on the Object types icon in the Information Catalog window.
  3. Click Open as --> Icon list .
  4. Right-click on the icon of the object type you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.

    The Delete window opens.

  6. Click Delete to delete the object type.
  7. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

When you delete an object type, the Information Catalog Manager closes all windows that are directly related to that object type.

Deleting an object type by using the Information Catalog Manager tag language

Enter the following lines in your tag language file:


After each keyword, type an appropriate value within the parentheses:


The short name of the object type you are deleting.

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