You can make only the following changes to an existing object type:
You can update an object type by using the Information Catalog Manager windows or tag language.
Start from the Information Catalog window.
The Update Object Type window opens.
The Add Property window opens.
To close the window without adding a property, click Cancel.
This step is not available for AS/400 information catalogs.
This step is not available for AS/400 information catalogs.
Your changes display in the Object Types window, but not in other windows until you close and reopen them.
To close the window without updating the object type, click Cancel.
:ACTION.OBJTYPE(UPDATE) :OBJECT.TYPE(short_name_of_object_type)
ICOFILE(new_OS/2_icon_filename) ICWFILE(new_Windows_icon_filename)
After each keyword, type an appropriate value within the parentheses:
:ACTION.OBJTYPE(APPEND) :OBJECT.TYPE(short_name_of_object_type) :PROPERTY.SHRTNAME(short_name_of_new_property) DT(data_type) DL(size) UUISEQ(0) NULLS(y) EXTNAME(external_name_of_new_property)
After each keyword, type an appropriate value within the parentheses.
Any property you add to an object type after you create it must be an optional property. The value for UUISEQ must be 0, and the value for NULLS must be Y.