Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Creating an information catalog from the command line

To create an information catalog from an MS-DOS command prompt, enter the CREATEIC command. Keep in mind the following rules for the command syntax:

Figure 72. Example of using the DGUIDE command to create an information catalog

password /KA1 primary_admin

Optional keywords:

/NAS -|symbol
/KA2 backup_admin
/MVSDB dbname /TSTORGP table_stor /XSTORGP index_stor

Optional OS/390 keyword:


For example, to create an information catalog on a remote DB2 UDB for Windows NT database, type:


Specifies the type of DB2 database in which you want to store your information catalog. Valid choices are:

Specifies a DB2 UDB for OS/2 database.

Specifies a DB2 UDB for OS/390 or DB2 for OS/390 database. You must have the DB2 Connect product installed on your workstations to use DB2 UDB for OS/390.

Specifies a DB2 UDB for AS/400 database. You must have either the DB2 Connect product on your workstations to use DB2 UDB for AS/400.

Specifies a DB2 UDB for Windows NT database or a DB2 UDB for Windows 2000 database. You must have TCP/IP or NetBIOS installed on your workstations to use the remote database.

DB2 Family
Specifies a DB2 UDB database on other operating systems, for example:
  • DB2 UDB for AIX or DB2 UDB for Solaris Operating Environment

    You must have TCP/IP installed on your workstation to use the remote database.


    Use the requirements for the operating system on which your database resides.

Specifies the database name. If the database is local, specify the database name. If the database is remote, specify the alias name for the remote database that is cataloged on your local workstation.

Specifies the user ID required by the database that stores your information catalog:

DB2 UDB for OS/2 (local)
Local user ID, specified with UPM on your workstation

DB2 UDB for OS/2 (remote)
LAN user ID, specified with UPM on the remote workstation

DB2 UDB for OS/390
RACF user ID

DB2 UDB for AS/400
AS/400 user ID

AIX user ID

Use the user ID required for the operating system on which your database resides.

DB2 UDB for Windows NT or DB2 UDB for Windows 2000 (local)
Windows NT user ID

DB2 UDB for Windows NT or DB2 UDB for Windows 2000 (remote)
LAN user ID, specified with User Manager on the remote workstation

Specifies the password for the user ID that you entered on the /USERID keyword.

Passwords are case-sensitive for accessing databases on the following operating systems, you must type them exactly as specified.

Specifies the character you want to use to indicate property values that are not applicable. You can choose from the following special characters:
! ; # $ % * (
) + , - . / :
{ } = ? @ [ ]

The default is a hyphen (-).

Specifies the user ID of the person who will be the primary administrator of the Information Catalog Manager. This user ID must have SYSADM (or ALLOBJ authority if your information catalog is stored in a DB2 UDB for AS/400 database) authority.

Specifies the user ID of the person who will back up the primary administrator. This user ID must have database administrator authority.

Valid only with /DBTYPE DB2; required with /DBTYPE DB2.

Specifies the name of the DB2 UDB for OS/390 database.

Valid only with /DBTYPE DB2; required with /DBTYPE DB2.

Specifies the name of the storage group that you will use for tables.

Valid only with /DBTYPE DB2; required with /DBTYPE DB2.

Specifies the name of the storage group that you will use for indexes.

Valid only with /DBTYPE DB2; optional with /DBTYPE DB2.

Indicates whether you want to save the property values of each object in uppercase.

The default. Specifies that the values are stored in the OS/390 database in uppercase, but you can enter the values in lowercase when you search for them.

Specifies that the values are stored in the OS/390 database exactly as you enter them and that all the information catalog searches are case sensitive.

Importing common object types into the information catalog

After you create an information catalog, you can use the DGUIDE command to import common object types that you can use to exchange metadata with other conforming products.

Before you import the common object types, you must first append all the Information Catalog Manager common object types to a tag language file. From the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory located on the drive where the DB2 Universal Database is installed, enter the following copy command at MS-DOS command prompt.

copy *.typ + *.app mytag.tag

The metadata for the common object types is copied to mytag.tag. Next, use the DGUIDE command to import mytag.tag into your information catalog as in the following example (do not enter the line breaks):

d:\Program Files\sqllib\dgwin\types\mytag.tag /LOGFILE 
d:\Program Files\sqllib\dgwin\mytag.log 
/ICOPATH d:\Program Files\sqllib\dgwin\types /RESTART B

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