Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Valid data types for Information Catalog Manager descriptive data

Table 32 shows the valid data types for Information Catalog Manager descriptive data.

Table 32. Valid data types for Information Catalog Manager descriptive data
Data type Description
CHAR Fixed-length character string between 1 and 254 bytes long.

Pad the value on the right with trailing blanks if the value is shorter than the defined data length for the property.

TIMESTAMP 26-character timestamp in the following format:
LONG VARCHAR Long varying-length character string between 1 and 32 700 bytes long.

You cannot specify a property with a data type of LONG VARCHAR as a UUI property.

VARCHAR Varying-length character string between 1 and 4 000 bytes long.

The Information Catalog Manager automatically removes trailing blanks from variable values and adjusts their length accordingly before validating and accepting the request.

If a required value is not specified or contains all blanks, the Information Catalog Manager inserts the values that are shown in Table 33.

Table 33. Information Catalog Manager-supplied values
Data type Supplied value
CHAR A not-applicable symbol as the first character and padded with trailing blanks to fill the defined length.
TIMESTAMP 9999-12-31-
LONG VARCHAR A not-applicable symbol
VARCHAR A not-applicable symbol

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