Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Predefined object type descriptions

Sample Information Catalog Manager object types are organized by category. They are described beginning on page ***.

For comprehensive tables that describe each object type and its property specifications see Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide, available from the Data Warehouse Center Web site at

The tag language files for each object type described in the following sections are located in \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES on the drive where the DB2 Universal Database is installed.

Grouping category

The Grouping category contains the following object types:

"Application data" object type

The Information Catalog Manager uses the "Application data" object type internally for some MDIS metadata exchanges. Objects of this object type might appear in your information catalog. However, you will not use this object type to create objects.

The tag language for defining the "Application data" object type is in the file FLGNYAPL.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Business subject areas" object type

The "Business subject areas" object type represents logical groupings of objects.

The tag language for defining the "Business subject areas" object type is in the file FLGNYINF.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Columns or fields" object type

The "Columns or fields" object type represents columns within a relational table, fields within a file, or fields within an IMS segment.

The tag language for defining the "Columns or fields" object type is in the file FLGNYCOL.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Databases" object type

The "Databases" object type represents relational databases.

The tag language for defining the "Databases" object type is in the file FLGNYDAT.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Dimensions within a multidimensional database" object type

The "Dimensions within a multidimensional database" object type represents dimensions within a multi-dimensional database. A dimension consists of members.

The tag language for defining the "Dimensions within a multidimensional database" object type is in the file FLGNYDIM.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

DWC process

This object type represents a process in the Data Warehouse Center. A process commonly operates on source data and changes data from its original form into a form conducive to decision support. In the Data Warehouse Center, a process commonly consists of one or more sources, one or more steps, and one or more targets.

The tag language for defining the a " DWC" object type is in the file FLGNYZD02.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Elements" object type

The "Elements" object type represents MDIS Element objects that do not map directly to the "Columns or fields" object type.

The tag language for defining the "Elements" object type is in the file FLGNYELE.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Files" object type

The "Files" object type represents a file within a file system.

The tag language for defining the "Files" object type is in the file FLGNYFIL.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"IMS database definitions (DBD)" object type

The "IMS database definitions (DBD)" object type represents IMS database definitions.

The tag language for defining the "IMS database definitions (DBD)" object type is in the file FLGNYDBD.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"IMS program control blocks (PCB)" object type

The "IMS program control blocks (PCB)" object type represents IMS program control blocks.

The tag language for defining the "IMS program control blocks (PCB)" object type is in the file FLGNYPCB.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"IMS program specification blocks (PSB)" object type

The "IMS program specification blocks (PSB)" object type represents IMS program specification blocks.

The tag language for defining the "IMS program specification blocks (PSB)" object type is in the file FLGNYPSB.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"IMS segments" object type

The "IMS segments" object type represents IMS segments.

The tag language for defining the "IMS segments" object type is in the file FLGNYSEG.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Members within a multidimensional database" object type

The "Members within a multidimensional database" object type represents a member within a multidimensional database. A member is part of a dimension, and a dimension is part of a multidimensional database.

The tag language for defining the "Members within a multidimensional database" object type is in the file FLGNYMEM.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Multidimensional databases" object type

The "Multidimensional databases" object type represents multidimensional databases.

The tag language for defining the "Multi-dimensional databases" object type is in the file FLGNYOLA.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Records" object type

The "Records" object type represents MDIS Record objects that do not map directly to the "Files" or "Relational tables or views" object types. Records consist of Elements.

The tag language for defining the "Records" object type is in the file FLGNYREC.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Relational tables and views" object type

The "Relational tables and views" object type represents tables or views of relational databases.

The tag language for defining the "Relational tables and views" object type is in the file FLGNYTAB.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Star Schemas

This object type represents OLAP server relational data. A star schema contains a fact table and one or more dimension tables.

The tag language for defining the "star schemas" object type is in the file FLGNYZ01.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Subschemas" object type

The "Subschemas" object type represents logical groupings of records within a database.

The tag language for defining the "Subschemas" object type is in the file FLGNYSUB.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Transformations" object type

The "Transformations" object type represents expressions or logic that is used to populate columns of data within the target database. Transformations objects indicate either the expression used to convert source operational data to target columns, or the one-to-one mapping of source fields to target columns.

The tag language for defining the "Transformations" object type is in the file FLGNYFLT.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Elemental category

The Elemental category contains the following object types:

"Audio clips" object type

The "Audio clips" object type represents files that contain audio information. These objects might represent electronic (AUD files) or physical (for example, CDs, tapes) audio information.

The tag language for defining the "Audio clips" object type is in the file FLGNYAUD.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Charts" object type

The "Charts" object type represents either hardcopy or electronic charts.

The tag language for defining the "Charts" object type is in the file FLGNYCHA.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Documents" object type

The "Documents" object type represents books, manuals, and technical papers. These publications might be printed or electronic, found locally or within a library.

The tag language for defining the "Documents" object type is in the file FLGNYDOC.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Images or graphics" object type

The "Images or graphics" object type represents graphic images, such as bitmaps.

The tag language for defining the "Images or graphics" object type is in the file FLGNYIMA.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Internet documents" object type

The "Internet documents" object type represents Web sites and other documents on the Internet that might be of interest.

The tag language for defining the "Internet documents" object type is in the file FLGNYINT.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Lotus Approach queries" object type

The "Lotus Approach queries" object type represents available Lotus Approach queries for use with your organization's data.

The tag language for defining the "Lotus Approach queries" object type is in the file FLGNYAPR.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Presentations" object type

The "Presentations" object type represents various hardcopy or electronic presentations. These presentations might include product, customer, quality, and status presentations.

The tag language for defining the "Presentations" object type is in the file FLGNYPRE.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Spreadsheets" object type

The "Spreadsheets" object type represents desktop spreadsheets (for example, Lotus 1-2-3 or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets).

The tag language for defining the "Spreadsheets" object type is in the file FLGNYSSH.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Text-based reports" object type

The "Text-based reports" object type represents either hardcopy or electronic reports.

The tag language for defining the "Text-based reports" object type is in the file FLGNYREP.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Video clips" object type

The "Video clips" object type represents files that contain video information. These objects might represent electronic (AVI files) or physical (for example, videotapes or laser disks) video information.

The tag language for defining the "Video clips" object type is in the file FLGNYVID.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Contact category

The Contact category contains the "People to contact" object type.

"People to contact" object type

The "People to contact" object type identifies a person or group that is responsible for single or multiple objects within the information catalog.

The tag language for defining the "People to contact" object type is in the file FLGNYCON.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Dictionary category

The Dictionary category contains the "Glossary entries" object type. The "Glossary entries" object type represents definitions for terms that are used in the information catalog.

The tag language for defining the "Glossary entries" object type is in the file FLGNYGLO.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Support category

The Support category contains the following object types:

"Information Catalog Manager news" object type

The "Information Catalog Manager news" object type conveys information to end users about changes to the information catalog.

The tag language for defining the "Information Catalog Manager news" object type is in the file FLGNYDGN.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Online news services" object type

The "Online news services" object type represents news and information services that can be accessed online.

The tag language for defining the "Online news services" object type is in the file FLGNYOLN.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

"Online publications" object type

The "Online publications" object type represents publications and other documents that can be accessed through online services.

The tag language for defining the "Online publications" object type is in the file FLGNYOLP.TYP in the \SQLLIB\DGWIN\TYPES directory.

Program category

The Program category can contain only the Programs object type. The Programs object type is created when an information catalog is created and is used to define an application capable of processing a particular object type.

In the sample information catalog, ICMSAMP, the Programs object type is named "Programs that can be invoked from information catalog objects".

Attachment category

The Attachment category can contain only the "Comments" object type. The "Comments" object type is created when an information catalog is created.

The Comments object type holds comments about other objects in the information catalog.

Predefined program objects

Program object types shown in Table 16 are provided in the sample information catalog. The table also shows the property name that you use to associate with the Information Catalog Manager program object when launching a program.

Table 16. Generic predefined program objects in the sample information catalog
Type of information Program name Object type Property name
Multimedia files Microsoft Media Player Audio clips Audio clip filename

Microsoft Media Player Business subject areas Filename

Microsoft Media Player Presentations Presentation filename

Microsoft Media Player Video clips Video clip filename
Bitmap files Microsoft Paint Images or graphics Graphic filename

Microsoft Paint People to contact Contact's picture filename
Spreadsheet files Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename

Microsoft Paint Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename

Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename
Web pages Netscape Navigator Online news URL to access data

Netscape Navigator Online publications URL to access data

Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet documents URL to access data

Microsoft Internet Explorer Online news URL to access data

Microsoft Internet Explorer Online publications URL to access data

Table 17 lists specific IBM Business Partners who have applications that are integrated with the Information Catalog Manager. The information in this table similar to that in Table 16.

Table 17. Predefined program objects in sample information catalog -- IBM Business Partners
Type of information Program name Object type Property name
Lotus Approach Lotus Approach Approach object filename

Freelance Graphics Presentations Presentation object filename
Hyperion Lotus 1-2-3 with Essbase Spreadsheet add-in Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename

Microsoft Excel with Essbase Spreadsheet add-in Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename
Brio Brio Query Text based reports Report filename

Netscape Navigator (use with Brio.Insights plug-in) Text based reports URL to access data

Microsoft Internet Explorer (use with Brio.Insights plug-in) Text based reports URL to access data
BusinessObjects BusinessObjects Databases None

BusinessObjects Text based reports Report filename

Microsoft Excel (used with BusinessQuery add-in) Spreadsheets Spreadsheet filename

Microsoft Internet Explorer (used to access WebIntelligence Java applet) Internet documents URL to access data

Netscape Navigator (used to access WebIntelligence Java applet) Internet documents URL to access data
Cognos PowerPlay Text-based reports Report filename

Impromptu Text based reports Report filename

Microsoft Internet Explorer (used with Impromtu Web Query) Internet documents URL to access data

Netscape Navigator (used with Impromptu Web Query) Internet documents URL to access data

Netscape Navigator (used to access PowerPlay Web edition HTML pages) Internet documents URL to access data
Wired for OLAP Wired for OLAP View Text based reports configure Default user login, and Startup options

Wired for OLAP Home Page within Netscape Text based reports configure Default user login, and Startup options

Wired for OLAP Home Page within Microsoft Internet Explorer Text based reports configure Default user login, and Startup options
Seagate Crystal Reports Text based reports Report filename
Microsoft Access Microsoft Access Database
Microsoft PowerPoint(TM) Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer Text based reports Report filename

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer within Netscape Text based reports URL to access data

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer within Microsoft Internet Explorer Text based reports URL to access data

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