Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide


Identifies the diskette sequence number when the tag language file is stored on one or more diskettes.


When one tag language file is stored on one or more diskettes, DISKCNTL is the first tag on each diskette.



Figure 44. Example of a DISKCNTL tag for the first of a sequence of diskettes



Required keyword

A one-digit or two-digit number that indicates the number of the diskette in sequence.

The first number for any sequence of disks must be 1 or 01. This value increases by 1 for subsequent diskettes. The numbers for a set of three diskettes are 1, 2, 3, or 01, 02, 03.

Additional diskettes containing the tag language file follow this one.

The last or only diskette that contains the tag language file.


If this tag is specified, it must be the first tag in each tag language file. If the tag is missing and the tag language file is on diskette, the import program assumes that the tag language file is contained on one diskette.

If a tag language file is stored on the hard disk, this tag is not applicable. If the tag is present, it is ignored.

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