Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Chapter 4. Making the information catalog convenient for users

You can make your information catalog more convenient for your users. With the Information Catalog Manager you can perform the following tasks:

Group objects by subject area for easy browsing
Link related objects together
Add contact names to objects
Associate comments and objects
Set up object types to start programs
Set up glossaries of standard terminology for users
Provide support and helpful information for users

Grouping objects, linking them, adding contact names to them, and associating comments with them are all ways of establishing relationships between objects. When you begin creating relationships, try to use a top-down approach, both to enhance performance and avoid errors. For example, the object CelDial Marketing Information contains the object Advertising Information, which in turn contains Advertisements on the WWW. Place Advertising Information into CelDial Marketing Information before placing Advertisements on the WWW into Advertising Information.

Especially try to avoid relating an object with one that already has relationships several layers deep.

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