Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Predefined object type models

Information Catalog Manager predefined object types follow the six data models shown in Figures Figure 22 through Figure 27.

Figure 22 shows the object types that participate in the relational model.

Figure 22. Relational model and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other in the relational model

Figure 23 shows the object types that participate in the hierarchical models.

Figure 23. Hierarchical models and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other within the hierarchical models

Figure 24 shows the object types that participate in the file models.

Figure 24. File models and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other within the file models

Figure 25 shows the object types that participate in the multi-dimensional (OLAP) model.

Figure 25. Multi-dimensional model and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other in the multi-dimensional model

Figure 26 shows the object types that participate in the transformation models.

Figure 26. Transformation model and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other within the transformation models

Figure 27 shows the object types that participate in the subject area model.

Figure 27. Subject area model and the predefined object types

Chart showing how certain object types relate to each other in the subject area model

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