Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Information Catalog Manager categories and object types

To organize your information resources in the information catalog, you create object types. An object type is a classification for objects that is used to reflect a type of business information, such as a table, report, or image. For example, you might create an object type called Image (Figure 2), which describes a set of objects that are digital bitmap images. For each object type, you define a set of properties, which describe the characteristics of the object type. For an object type that is called Image, you might define properties such as Resolution, Size, and Color.

Figure 2. The characteristics of an information resource become properties of the Information Catalog Manager object type

A graphic illustrating that each Image object has the properties defined for the object type.

Every object type must belong to the Information Catalog Manager category. An object type's category affects how the Information Catalog Manager handles it. Except for the Program and Attachment categories, you can create object types in any of the following Information Catalog Manager categories:


Object types that can contain other object types.

Non-Grouping object types that are the building blocks for other Information Catalog Manager object types.

Object types that identify a reference for more information about an object. More information might include the person who created the information that the object represents, or the department responsible for maintaining the information.

A Programs object type that identifies and describes applications capable of processing the actual information that is represented by the Information Catalog Manager objects types. The only object type belonging to the Program category is the Programs object type, which is defined when you create an information catalog.

Object types that define terminology that is specific to your business.

Object types that provide additional information about your information catalog or enterprise.

A Comments object type that identifies additional information attached to another Information Catalog Manager object. The only object type belonging to the Attachment category is the Comments object type, which is defined when you create an information catalog.

Table 9 summarizes the relationships among the Information Catalog Manager's object-type categories.

Table 9. Information Catalog Manager category relationships
Category Can contain/ contained by Links with Contacts associated Comments attached Programs launch from
Grouping Contains other Grouping or Elemental objects Other Grouping or Elemental objects Yes Yes Yes
Elemental Contained by any Grouping object Other Grouping or Elemental objects Yes Yes Yes
Contact None None No Yes Yes
Program None None No Yes No
Dictionary None None No Yes Yes
Support None None No Yes Yes
Attachment None None No No Yes

You can establish object types for your information catalog in any of three ways:

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