Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Opening an information catalog

You start working with the Information Catalog Manager by opening an information catalog:

  1. Click Start --> Programs --> IBM DB2 --> Information Catalog Manager --> Initialize Information Catalog.
  2. Click the icon that represents the information catalog that you want to open.

    The Open Information Catalog window opens.

  3. In the User ID field, type the user ID required for the operating system on which your information catalog resides.
  4. In the Password field, type the password for the user ID that you entered in the User ID field.

    Passwords are case sensitive for accessing databases on the operating systems, you must type them exactly as specified:

  5. Click Open. The Information Catalog window opens.

You can also open your information catalog from an MS-DOS command prompt; see Importing a tag language file from the command line for more information.

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