Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Associating comments and objects

With the Information Catalog Manager, you can attach comments to objects like you attach a "sticky" note to a page in a book. The note might contain additional information for yourself or other users of the book; you can later remove the note and discard it.

A comment is an object that annotates another object. For example, you might attach a comment to a chart object that contains notes about the data in the chart.

Creating a comment

You can create comments about specific Information Catalog Manager objects. You can use comments as a reminder to yourself or as a way to communicate with other users of your information catalog in your organization.

Start from one of the following windows:

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Found In
Tree View
Linked With
  1. Right-click the object to which you want to attach a comment.

    This step is not necessary if you started from the Attachments window.

  2. Click Attachments --> Create comment.

    If you are starting from the Attachments window, click Attachments --> Create comment.

    The Create Comment window opens.

  3. Type a name for the comment in the Name field.
  4. Assign a status to the comment.
  5. Optional: In the Actions field, specify the actions that you want someone to take based on the text of the comment.
  6. Type the complete text of the comment in the Description field.
  7. Click Create to create the comment and attach it to the specified object.

    To close the window without creating a comment, click Cancel.

Copying a comment

You can copy existing comments to create unattached comments, which you can later attach to an object.

Start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
  1. Right-click the comment that you want to copy.
  2. Click Copy.

    The Copy Comment window opens.

  3. (Optional) Change any of the following values:
  4. Click Copy to create the copied comment.

    To close the window without copying a comment, click Cancel.

Updating a comment

You can change various values, and the text, of existing comments.

Start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
  1. Right-click the comment you want to update.
  2. Click Update.

    The Update Comment window opens.

    Using the Update Comment window to respond to a request for 1995 tax receipt collection.

  3. Change at least one of the following values:
  4. Click Update.

    To close the window without updating the comment, click Cancel.

Deleting a comment

You can delete an existing comment, whether or not it is attached to an object.

Start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
  1. Right-click the comment you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

    The Delete window opens.

  3. (Optional) Deselect any comments in the Object list that you do not want to delete.
  4. Click Delete to delete the comment.

The comment is deleted from the information catalog.

Attaching and detaching comments and objects

You can attach existing unattached comments to specified objects. You can also detach comments from specified objects. To attach and detach existing comments, start from one of the following windows:

Search Results
Found In
Tree View
Linked With
  1. Right-click the object for which you want to change the Attachment relationships.
  2. Click Attachments --> Associate comments.

    The Associate Comments window opens.

  3. To attach additional comments to the object:
    1. In the Available comments list, click one or more comments that you want to attach to the selected object.
    2. Click > to move the selected comments to the Current comments list.
  4. To detach comments from the object:
    1. In the Current comments list, select one or more comments that you want to detach from the selected object.
    2. Click < to move the selected comments to the Available comments list.
  5. Click Associate to save the specified Attachment relationships.

    To close the window without changing the Attachment relationships, click Cancel.

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