Information Catalog Manager Administration Guide

Publishing and synchronizing metadata

This section describes the process of publishing metadata to an information catalog and updating the information catalog metadata when the metadata changes in the Data Warehouse Center or in the DB2 OLAP Server or Hyperion Essbase Server. You use the Data Warehouse Center user interface to publish Data Warehouse Center, DB2 OLAP Server, or Hyperion Essbase Server metadata. For step-by-step information on how to use the Data Warehouse Center user interface to publish metadata, see the online help for the Publish Metadata window. You use a command interface to publish DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata; see Preparing to publish OLAP server metadata for more information.

To publish and synchronize metadata in the information catalog, you must complete the following tasks, which are discussed later in this chapter:

  1. Identify objects whose metadata you want to publish to the information catalog.
  2. Publish the metadata.
  3. Create a schedule to run the publication on a regular basis.

How metadata is synchronized

After metadata is published in the information catalog, you can automate updates of the metadata. This process is called metadata synchronization. When you first publish metadata using the Data Warehouse Center user interface, a publication object is created.

You use a command interface to publish DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata. However, you cannot synchronize updates to the metadata. You must use the command interface to publish metadata again if you want to change it in the information catalog.

When you synchronize metadata, the metadata for an object that is registered in the information catalog is updated either when you run the publication or based on a schedule that you create for the publication. Metadata is not updated in the information catalog in the following situations:

If you plan to synchronize metadata, you must use the Data Warehouse Center warehouse control database as your information catalog database.

Before you begin: Establishing the environment for publishing metadata

Before you begin the steps for publishing and synchronizing metadata, you need to ensure that you established the correct environment.

  1. Ensure that you installed and configured the necessary warehouse components on the correct workstations.

    For publishing Data Warehouse Center metadata to the Information Catalog Manager:

    For publishing OLAP server metadata to the Information Catalog Manager:

  2. Ensure that both the administrator user IDs for the Information Catalog Manager and Data Warehouse Center have Windows NT administrator privileges.

Preparing to publish OLAP server metadata

You can use either the Data Warehouse Center user interface or a command interface to publish DB2 OLAP Server or Hyperion Essbase Server metadata. To use the Data Warehouse Center, see the online help for the Publish OLAP Server Metadata notebook.

With the DB2 OLAP Integration Server, you use a command interface to publish the metadata. You cannot synchronize updates to the metadata. You must publish the metadata again to change it in the information catalog.

Identifying OLAP objects to publish

To publish metadata, you must first identify the metadata that you want to publish and then set up the synchronized updates. Use the procedure in this section to identify metadata objects and register them for synchronization.

Table 12 provides the mapping between OLAP server and information catalog object types when objects are published to the information catalog. See Appendix C, Metadata mappings for a detailed mapping of object types and object type properties. When you publish DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata, a linked relationship is created between a "dimensions within a multi-dimensional database" object type in the information catalog and a table object in the DB2 OLAP Integration Server.

Table 12. Mapping between object types
OLAP server object type Information catalog object type
Outline Multi-dimensional databases
Dimensions in an outline Dimensions within a mult-dimensional database
Members in a dimension Members within a multi-dimensional database

Complete the following steps from a workstation where the Information Catalog Manager administrator function is installed.

  1. Edit the control file in X:\Program Files\SQLLIB\EXCHANGE\DG2OLAP.CTL to identify the OLAP objects whose metadata you want to publish to the information catalog (where X is the drive where the DB2 Universal Database is installed). Identify each object separately as follows:

    The name of the OLAP server.

    The name of the OLAP server application that contains the database that is identified by databasename.

    The name of the OLAP server database that contains the outline that is identified by outlinename.

    The name of the OLAP server outline whose metadata you want to publish.
    For example:
  2. From an MS-DOS command prompt, run the flgnxoln program. The DB2 OLAP Integration Server parameters are required for publishing metadata from the DB2 OLAP Integration Server to the Information Catalog Manager. If you want to publish to the DB2 OLAP Integration Server, you must specify all the DB2 OLAP Integration Server parameters. Enter the required parameters on the same line, separated by blanks:
    flgnxoln ouserid opassword oc_filename ic_userid ic_password ic_name generate_names
    delete max_levels max_dim -ff fb_filename -hi OIS_name -hu OIS_userid -hp 
    OIS_password-hm OIS_model

    The DB2 OLAP Server or Essbase supervisor user ID.

    The password for the DB2 OLAP Server or Essbase supervisor user ID.

    The full path and file name of the control file where you identified the DB2 OLAP Server/Essbase metadata to publish.

    The Information Catalog Manager user ID for the information catalog to use for publishing metadata. The user ID can be the ID of the information catalog administrator or that of an information catalog user who has certain administrative privileges.

    The password for the information catalog user ID.

    The name of the information catalog to use for exchanging metadata.


    Specifies that you want to generate the object names and descriptions from the OLAP outline in the information catalog when the objects are updated. The Name and Short Description properties will be updated for objects in the information catalog.

    Specifies that you want to preserve the object names and descriptions, if they exist, in the information catalog when the metadata updated.

    You might specify N if you added the object to the information catalog and specified additional business information, but you do not want the information overwritten by the updated values.


    Specifies that if objects already exist in the information catalog, they should be deleted and then added when the objects are updated. The Information Catalog Manager deletes all objects related to the deleted object, such as associated database and table objects. The Tree view is updated so that there are no objects unrelated to other objects.

    Specifies that if objects already exist in the information catalog, they should be kept in the information catalog and updated.

    A value that specifies the maximum number of levels of Essbase objects that are published and displayed in the Tree view. If you do not specify this value, all objects and underlying objects that you identify are published. If you limit the number of levels, the tree structure that is displayed in Tree view will be less detailed.

    This parameter is optional if you are publishing DB2 OLAP Server metadata. It is required if you are publishing DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata.

    A value that specifies the maximum number of dimensions and members for each level that are published and displayed in the Tree view. If you do not specify a value, for each level of the tree view, all objects that represent dimensions and all objects that represent members within those dimensions in the Essbase outline are published. If you limit the number of dimensions and members, the structure displayed in Tree view will be less detailed.

    This parameter is optional if you are publishing DB2 OLAP Server metadata. It is required if you are publishing DB2 OLAP Integration Server metadata.

    feedback file name
    The name of the feedback file. This parameter is ignored, however you must specify if you specify the DB2 OLAP Integration Server parameters.

    The name of the DB2 OLAP Integration Server catalog that contains the metadata that you want to publish.

    The DB2 OLAP Integration Server supervisor user ID.

    The password for the DB2 OLAP Integration Server supervisor user ID.

    The name of the OLAP model whose metadata you want to publish.

    For example (do not enter the line breaks in this example):

    flgnxoln olapadm olappass x:\Program Files\sqllib\logging\dg2olap.ctl icadmin icpass 
    ICMSAMP Y Y 20 20 -ff x:\Program Files\sqllib\logging\db2olap.ff oiscat -hu oisadm
    -hp oispass -hm oismod

    You can verify that the flgnxoln program ran successfully by viewing the log file. The log file is located in the directory specified by the VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default value of the VWS_LOGGING variable for Windows NT is \sqllib\logging. View the file \SQLLIB\LOGGING\ICMOLAP.LOG (located on the drive where you installed the DB2 Universal Database) to check the results.

Figure 17 shows how OLAP server metadata is displayed in the Information Catalog Manager Tree view.

Figure 17. OLAP metadata in the Information Catalog Manager Tree view

Olap metadata in ICM

Setting up and scheduling regular updates of DB2 OLAP Server or Hyperion Essbase Server metadata

To synchronize DB2 OLAP Server or Hyperion Essbase Server metadata with metadata that you previously published to the information catalog, use the Data Warehouse Center user interface (which includes the schedule function). You can create a schedule for the publication to run on a regular basis. For step-by-step information on using the user interface, see the task "Updating published metadata" in the online help for the Publish Metadata window.

When the publication is updated, the registered metadata is checked for updates since the last time metadata was published to the information catalog.

After the publication runs, the objects that you identified in "Identifying OLAP objects to publish" are checked for updates since metadata was last exchanged with the information catalog. If there were updates, the updated metadata is copied to the information catalog.

The processing log file that shows the results of the metadata synchronization is located in the directory that is specified by the VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default value of the VWS_LOGGING variable for Windows NT is \SQLLIB\LOGGING. View the file \SQLLIB\LOGGING\ICMOLAP.OUT (located on the drive where you installed the DB2 Universal Database) to check the results. When there is new processing status, the status is appended to the existing log file.

Preparing to publish Data Warehouse Center metadata

To publish Data Warehouse Center metadata, you must first identify the metadata that you want to publish and then set up the synchronized exchange.

Identifying Data Warehouse Center metadata to exchange

Table 13 provides the mapping between object types in the Data Warehouse Center and information catalog. Data Warehouse Center uses this mapping when you export the metadata to the information catalog. See Appendix C, Metadata mappings for a detailed mapping of object types and object type properties.

Table 13. Mapping between Data Warehouse Center and information catalog object types
Data Warehouse Center object type Information catalog object type
Step Transformation (at the table or column level)
Column or field Columns or fields
Warehouse source or warehouse target Databases, files, IMS(TM) database definitions
Subject Business subject areas
Table, file or segment IMS segments, relational tables and views
Warehouse schema Star Schema

For detailed task information on publishing metadata to the information catalog, see the Data Warehouse Center online help for the Publish Data Warehouse Center Metadata notebook.

How Data Warehouse Center metadata is displayed in the information catalog

Metadata lineage describes the path from target data to source data. In the Data Warehouse Center, users begin working with a data source. Users can then create steps (for example, using SQL logic) to transform the data. The resulting data can be a warehouse target table or file. Because an end-user works with data in its transformed state, the Information Catalog Manager displays Data Warehouse Center metadata beginning with the end-result of a transformation (for example, a table or a file). You can expand the Tree view of the metadata to determine all the data sources that were input to a transformation. If you expand the Tree view, you can follow the path from target to transformation to data source. Some data sources can also contain transformations. For example, Figure 18 shows a conceptual view of how metadata in the Data Warehouse Center compares to its structure when it is published to the information catalog.

Figure 18. Path of source to target data in the Data Warehouse Center and Information Catalog Manager

Conceptual view of sources and targets in Data Warehouse Center and the Information Catalog Manager.

In the Data Warehouse Center, you use the Process Model window to map warehouse sources to warehouse targets and to define transformations (processes or steps). Figure 19 shows an example of how a process, source, and target are displayed in the Data Warehouse Center and the Information Catalog Manager Tree view.

Figure 19. The Information Catalog Manager Tree view and the Data Warehouse Center Process Model window

Screen captures showing comparison of source and target tables in the Data Warehouse Center and the Information Catalog Manager

When you publish metadata for Data Warehouse Center source and target tables, you can show transformations either at the table level or at the column level. Figure 19 shows a transformation that is mapped at the table level. The actual SQL transformation is also shown in the Description view for the transformation object.

Figure 20. A transformation mapped at the table level and the Description view

Screen captures showing a table transformation in the Information Catalog Manager

Maintaining published objects in the Data Warehouse Center

When an object is deleted in Data Warehouse Center, information about the deleted object is stored in the warehouse control database. When the metadata is updated during the synchronization process, Data Warehouse Center propagates these deletions to the information catalog before importing other changes into the information catalog. When metadata synchronization completes successfully, the Data Warehouse Center removes the entries in the warehouse control database. Because Data Warehouse Center removes the entries, Data Warehouse Center can propagate deletions to only one information catalog. If you need to make the deletions to a second information catalog, you must delete those items manually.

If you change the name of a warehouse object that you previously published to the information catalog, you must publish the object again to update the information catalog. The object with the old name is not overwritten, so both objects exist in the information catalog after metadata synchronization.

Setting up and scheduling regular updates to Data Warehouse Center metadata

To synchronize Data Warehouse Center metadata with metadata that was previously published to the information catalog, you must use the Data Warehouse Center administrative interface to create a schedule for the publication to run. For step-by-step information, see the task "Updating published metadata," in the online help for the Publish Metadata window.

When the publication is updated, the registered metadata is checked for updates since the last time metadata was published to the information catalog.

The first time that you publish Data Warehouse Center metadata to the information catalog, two publication objects are created; one publication contains control metadata, the other definition metadata. Control metadata is metadata that describes changes to objects in the warehouse. Examples of control metadata are the date and time that a table is updated by the processing of a step. Definition metadata is metadata that describes the format of objects in the warehouse, the sources of data, and the transformations that are applied to the data. Examples of definition metadata are column names, table names, and database names. The first time that you publish metadata, both control and definition metadata is registered in the information catalog. When you synchronize metadata, you can choose to update the control metadata, the definition metadata, or both types.

Table 14 shows where you can check the processing status of the types of publications after they run. The files are located in the directory that is specified by the VWS_LOGGING environment variable. The default value of the VWS_LOGGING variable for Windows NT is \SQLLIB\LOGGING, (located on the drive where you installed the DB2 Universal Database).

Table 14. Metadata synchronization status files
Type of publication Processing status file When there is new processing status:
Update warehouse definition metadata in the information catalog \SQLLIB\LOGGING\ICMXCHG.OUT The OUT file is replaced
Update warehouse control metadata in the information catalog \SQLLIB\LOGGING\ICMDWCD.OUT It is appended to the existing OUT file.

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